Ahhnold prays to Krom, and Krom hears him. He now knows the riddle of steel and stands victorious over the corpse of Thulsa Doo.... I mean Emperor Etulutu.
He has smashed through the constraints of old and stands on top of the primus throne, proving that 2H styles are viable (or that he is just THAT awesome!) He has but one conquest left: The Blood Games.
During his down time from "verking owt" he can often be found at the tavern, drinking ale and showing of his "maascles" to the ladies. Naturally, they all swoon because he is the most perfect being in the great realm.
There are 'greater' individuals out in the great realm, dwelling in "The Hot Gates, otherwise known as "The 6th Tier", but those who dwell there have been tainted by a foul magic, the likes of which Ahhnold has no time for. His victory over their leader was proof of this.
Ahhnold Facts:
#1: Ahhnold spends most of his time 'verking owt' at Skull's Gym and getting pumped.
#2: He actually runs a section of Skull's Gym. He calls it "25 Hour Fittness" for what he claims as "One extra hour of VERKING OWT!"
#3: He still works out while training other gladiators. It's in between his reps that he makes sure other gladiators do their reps properly, and THAT is why your glads get 2x training points when they go there.
#4: Every time someone maxes out their strength attribute, it is because they want to be just like him. Remember that.
#5: Ahhnold's workout song is titled "If it jiggles it's fat"
#6: He is comfortably the record holder of both the old and new "Biggest Hits" lists. As such he would like to know: Do you even lift?
#7: Ahhnold's success is the reason 2H styles saw a resurgence
#8: His motivational speeches to new gladiators simply goes: "Dont be a weak little girly-man"
#9: with the introduction of armor being polished/used/etc, Ahhnold would like to remind you all that there is another category just for him: Oiled.
#10: Ahhnold never runs from a fight for 2 reasons: He never thinks he'll lose, and 2: cardio is for choir boys
#11: It is said that Ahhnold's strength to weight ratio is greater than that of even the mightiest ants. This has caused a stable manager to go out in search of the heaviest, most extravagant dumbbells known. The only hurdle is how to get such a set off Jimmy the Squid.
I had more narcissistic ranting in mind, but I am too tired to think it through fully. Rest assured, this will continue and form a monument to his awesome :P
Note: More Ahhnold facts are welcome![]()