There are few slayer remaining in BG after the update, which buffed shadows or the howl shadow&myth school. And like the old pre update shadows with full equipment in BG, they lack something and i dont talk about new HoL glads with buffed stats. (Fatalii has slightly above average stats for a new HoL glad, was a bit over 1100 gold)

Most "old" shadows and slayers are not managed frequent enough or are just abandoned, it seems they do what they did months ago without any change.

Shadows sneaked silently into the upper ranks (far from solid top 3 ranks, but stil top 10 worthy) and there is stil no half decent equiped new slayer.

Long story short there are some unknown changes to the "shadow&myst" school ready to be discovered.

I build him as a hybrid, no direct goal towards endurance drain. From time to time he wins the "honorable" way, but most are indeed exhaust wins.