It seems that Tygros Rex many victories against ZeroEleven and Toddler sent Mister Oedi out of his confort zone and that he decided to investigate the secrets of the winning streak of Tygros...
The main difference between Tygros and ZeroEleven was that Tygros had "Battle Hardened" and not ZeroEleven...
Guess what ?
ZeroEleven and ZeroTwentyOne both got "Battle Hardened" almost overnight !! Wow, must have cost a shitload of trophies !!!
And it worked, congrats Mister Oedi :
ZeroEleven - Tygros : 3-2 on today's fights
I'm happy I made you spend so many trophies, trophies consumption are good for the game and the company making it !
lol, now I need to find a counter to your counter and that will probably cost me some trophies too...
PS : I'm very impressed by the fights of ZeroTwentyOne since you changed his strat and build, nice to see an offensive war so high in the ranks !