The only thing stupid about this game is how we keep spending money on it....most games you pay for one time...not this one.....
Thats not totally true, infact most new games got micro payments as their source of income, and many old ones incorporate a model for micro payments. Its not my favorite model for a company to make a steady income, I prefer a monthly fee instead but since this is a favorite game I continue to play and pay.

how much do you think the top guys have spent on their stables.....perhaps more than is logical.
As with anything else you buy or consider buying, if you feel you get value for your money you will buy or continue to pay. Value for money is of course a individual feeling, and will vary a lot from person to person. We got both ends of the scale playing this game. Some have bought every skill and stat to be ready to compete at once, and others never consider buying thropies because they got all the time in the world to get to the top or dont think its important to get what they need from the game.