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  1. #1
    Free Citizen Smallz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Smallz What to Hunt Quick Reference

    Skill/Stat Contract Arena Challenges Other Sources
    Strength Urks Rages Overall Kills,Underbelly Normal,Winning Arena Fights
    Agility Snivler Theatrics 25 arena wins
    Stamina Dunder Warriors Paying Temple to heal Serious Wounds
    Size N/A N/A Bracket Champion, Bracket Conqueor
    Pressence Thug,Daemon N/A
    Chi Knoll, Rogue, Bandit N/A N/A
    Luck Spite Any Gladiator Ranked Above you Finding Green Items
    Attack Power Ogre Rage Winning Fight in the Arena, Moving up a bracket,Completing Contracts
    Defense Thief War Completing contracts,Winning Fights, Advancing Brackets
    Health Trug N/A Placing Third in Pit Fights,Winning Fights, Completing Contracts,Blood God Brackets
    Endurance Mercenary Theatrics 200 Arena Wins
    Block N/A N/A Placing 1st (20) or 2nd (12) in Bloodgames
    Armor Penetration N/A N/A Placing 1st (8) in Bloodgames, Completing Underbelly on Nightmare
    Extra Bleeding N/A N/A Place 1st (16) in Bloodgames
    Bleeding Protection N/A N/A Placing 3rd (8) in Bloodgames
    Crit N/A N/A Placing 2nd (4) in Bloodgames, Completing Hidden Grate in Nightmare
    Crit Protection N/A N/A Placing 3rd (20) in Bloodgames, Placing 2nd (8) in Bloodgames
    Extra Armor N/A N/A Placing 1st (12) in Bloodgames, Placing 2nd (12) in Bloodgames
    Extra Damage N/A N/A Placing 3rd (12) in Bloodgames
    Kill Rank N/A N/A Placing 1st (4) in Bloodgames, Placing 2nd (16) in Bloodgames
    Life Protection N/A N/A Placing 3rd (4/16) in Bloodgames, Placing in top 1% of Blood Gods Season

    * Note This is just a quick reference Guide complied from Information Already Available In Game.
    Last edited by Smallz; 11-04-2020 at 09:03 PM.
    The Small One, Manager of the Legendary Crew

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