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  1. #1
    Aspiring Master Aphexii's Avatar
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    Feb 2016
    As it seems the majority don't like the pure exhaust shadow, but every new Shadow in BG has Spectral Touch and Entangle. Even if the goal isn't exhaust most fights end in exactly that.
    I did some scouting reports of all shadows and to my joy all are different, which is a really good opportunity to reach into a wide range of experience.

    I tought some of you could give us (me ) a detailed analysis of Entangle and maybe Chilling Aura. Stil a rookie and lack the ability to analyze skills properly, compared to you guys.
    Im trying to figure out what does affect the Entangle status. (Armor, activity, Agi, different other skills like Unnatural agility, aiming at legs or torso)

    Spectral Touch is obvious and even without any goals will drop every glad after 2-3 hits. It is no that hard to last over 10 rounds in a fight, but to generate enough damage before exhausting the opponent is sometimes really hard.
    Same with Entangle, if you last about 10 rounds without enough damage you "risk" to win via exhaust.

    Winning by exhausting the opponent is viable and sometimes unavoidable even without aiming at that goal, i would say.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2016


    Quote Originally Posted by Aphexii View Post
    As it seems the majority don't like the pure exhaust shadow, but every new Shadow in BG has Spectral Touch and Entangle. Even if the goal isn't exhaust most fights end in exactly that.
    I did some scouting reports of all shadows and to my joy all are different, which is a really good opportunity to reach into a wide range of experience.
    Not all new Shadows in BG are endurance drain/entangle builds. (see Hongi Hika)

    I originally built him with the intention of going with an edurance drain/entangle build, but I guess I'm like Kreegan in the sense that I don't like the tactic so I switched him to a speed/power build. He has done quite well so far, it's a bit of a fast fight, high risk/high reward build with most matches averaging 3 rounds or less . Against top Shadow glads that are endurance drain builds like Sarlesh we would split wins relatively evenly (maybe a little closer to 55-60% in his favor) while in Primus. I have not had any matches against him in BG yet though.

    As for other skills affecting the success rate of entagle it has been my experience that unnatural agility most affects a gladiators ability to avoid entanglement or escape more quickly, while intellect and presence most significantly affected entanglement of an opponent. (I've used entangle on other builds)

    Really though, my dislike of the endurance drain/entangle builds stemmed more from my dislike of the Shadow class being so fragile (light armor), along with the Shadow Dance fight strategy not working well. Now that Shadow Dance seems to be fixed, I have thought of doing another Shadow glad with the endurance drain/entangle build. (I'm keen to try every build out there)

    That said, I'm probably more a rookie than you Aphexii, but that's my analysis and my two cents worth.
    Last edited by Tyrst; 06-12-2017 at 03:49 PM.

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