Too soon to tell imho.

As Kreegan pointed out, shadows dominate in lower levels and pit fights too, but they've never been effective in blood gods. Maybe that will change now that tanks are becoming less viable. So far what I see with Trixter is that they are tailor-made to counter the true tanks in the game...but they have inherent weaknesses against speedier builds. Perhaps this will lead to a revival of the speed builds and allow other types of offensive war builds to be competitive.

I guess Nate finally got sick of seeing tanks win everything and suppress all the other build types. He tried endurance drain with Shadows...but the darn things couldn't hit the tanks often enough to drain them. He tried extreme bleeding with Slayers...but they also had a hard time landing the blood bath before falling from exhaustion. These cheating trixters are a bit of a fool-proof way to ensure tanks don't dominate blood gods anymore. Looks like we'll be seeing a lot more variety in builds at the top of blood gods now...