Duke Abhaar

Speciality: Rage
Race: Trug
HP: 3926

Stats: All godly (I don't know how to get his real stats)

Gear Stats:
27 Strength
14 Intellect
29 Agility
18 Stamina
0 Size
55 Presence
44 Chi
32 Attack Power
42 Defense


Epic (soulbound) Dual Wield Axe (hand) and Mace (offhand). All armour is epic (soulbound) light armour.

Fighting Style:
This guy is probably going berserk due to how fast he drains his massive stamina pool. However he doesn't seem to hit very hard. He uses Sunder Armor, Rampage, Feint.

Beating Him:

I dropped him in 3 rounds. Rages can go Bash/Slash with high activity and bloodlust and a few good swings and this guy is dead. Tanks could try to tire him out, if they manage to stay alive. Theatrics could probably go also aggressive and kill him fast. Although he has a massive health bar, he doesn't resist damage very well. Target the weak points in his armour (Shield arm).