Well... you have two options:

i) Re-spec your glad: Figure out which skill lines up better with your overall build and strategy and re-train the other skill. This can be difficult depending on how they fit in and pre-requisites for other skills (minimum train requirement for higher level skills). Most warriors go with DFA since it counts for higher level skill requirements, seems to hit harder / get deflected less often, and although it activates less frequently they aren't attacking as frequently. Feint though is also a good skill since it activates more dependably. Which one works better for you will depend on your main weapon, where your attributes are, and how often you're attacking.

ii) Keep both: As Adoede mentioned, there are warriors out there that are successful in having both activate. I also don't know what makes that difference, but if it doesn't end up working out you can always retire that glad and pick up a new one and count it as a learning experience.