If you have a gladiator with a complete build, gear will not play as much of a difference as you may think. I've noticed that the difference between lvl 50 legendaries and lvl 55 legendaries is pretty minor. In some cases, I've found that lvl 50 items have the best stats available for a build.

The 200hp difference between a lvl 50 and a lvl 55 gladiator is also a factor, but long story short, a lvl 50 gladiator with a full build will still be competitive. some glads in the overall top 15 are lvl 53 or lower. Unholy Guardian and Duke Nukem come to mind.

I think the biggest issue with Blood Gods is that you get training points at a much slower pace. If you want to change your build or are yet to finish it, it's a long long road. If you are lucky enough to get promoted to Blood Gods in the last week of the season, then you score 200 training points, but that's about the best case scenario you have.