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  1. #1
    Aspiring Master Thor's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    May the glorious rise of Reginleif begin

    Reginleif is so epic, it can easily be seen her armour was master-crafted from even the very first fight on. Being one of the most expensive slaves her Master has tried to from into a gladiator so far, she earned it.

    Equipment lvl 1 CUT.jpg

    And only 30 minutes after she was equipped and prepared to enter the arena of the great realm, a first admirer had already heard of her destiny to rule with the strongest and tried to imitate her. No glory for you, fool!

    Reginleif VS. Reglinief CUT.jpg

    Actually, I have no idea who you are to randomly pick a name that could very well be a try to spell Reginleif, just with the information Reginleif was already used. The fact that this was only 30 minutes after I created her and before I even let her fight anyone or do anything to trigger any messages with her name in the chat, is quite hilarious. I am goign to assume that you are just a random victim. You will never reach the glory she will.

    PS: She cost 993 with having 82 Strength, 80 Intellect, 69 Agility, 60 Stamina, 77 Size, 73 Presence and 53 Chi, I had to make her an Axe & Maces - Warrior.
    Last edited by Thor; 09-17-2014 at 10:38 AM.
    Stable: Thors Throne
    - Thor Odinson ! Finally retired ! Searching for my next Odin !
    - Freya Odrvif! Finally retired ! Searching for my next Friya !
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  2. #2
    Aspiring Master riggen's Avatar
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    Aug 2012
    The Brass Citadel
    That's really nice for a non HoL gladiator, but these days, everyone is running with HoLs (except for Thunder Lips, she's just cool like that), so you can hardly call Reginleif's ascension to primus and 1000 fights a "glorious rise" :P
    Owner of the Raginghunters stable


  3. #3
    Aspiring Master Thor's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    Doesn't matter, I still have no idea who this was and if he really wanted to name the glad reginleif originally. If yes, this is one of the most awesome random events I have encountered so far (The glad was full grey and level 1, so it might be the case). And since the attacked glad is randomised anyways below level 11, this makes it even more awesome.

    And for the rest; Who knows, I will most likely retire 3 other glads before her, which means I'd have to let a lot of HoL's pass to find good ones. Might as well let her stay up there, a small difference in stats might not make her worthless (like Thunderlips)
    Stable: Thors Throne
    - Thor Odinson ! Finally retired ! Searching for my next Odin !
    - Freya Odrvif! Finally retired ! Searching for my next Friya !
    - Odin Allvatir ! The fucking beast amongst gods (Bihander warrior)
    - Friya ! Fast & Furious

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