Reginleif is so epic, it can easily be seen her armour was master-crafted from even the very first fight on. Being one of the most expensive slaves her Master has tried to from into a gladiator so far, she earned it.
Equipment lvl 1 CUT.jpg
And only 30 minutes after she was equipped and prepared to enter the arena of the great realm, a first admirer had already heard of her destiny to rule with the strongest and tried to imitate her. No glory for you, fool!
Reginleif VS. Reglinief CUT.jpg
Actually, I have no idea who you are to randomly pick a name that could very well be a try to spell Reginleif, just with the information Reginleif was already used. The fact that this was only 30 minutes after I created her and before I even let her fight anyone or do anything to trigger any messages with her name in the chat, is quite hilarious. I am goign to assume that you are just a random victim. You will never reach the glory she will.
PS: She cost 993 with having 82 Strength, 80 Intellect, 69 Agility, 60 Stamina, 77 Size, 73 Presence and 53 Chi, I had to make her an Axe & Maces - Warrior.