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  1. #1
    Elite Master Kreegan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Conquest item drops

    This may not be a bug but here it goes:

    I have a War running through the Underbelly on Nightmare. Upon a successful completion of the dungeon, the rewarded loot seems to follow some pattern. Since the introduction of the Conquests, the said War has managed to win 6 or 7 orange pieces and around 10 purple ones. All orange items that he has won so far are medium armour. In contrast, all or nearly all (not quite sure here) purple items are heavy armour, with maybe 1 or 2 medium pieces.

    I also have a Theatrics who runs through the dungeon from time to time. I'm not sure about the amount of orange/purple items which he has won but all of them are medium armour pieces, no exceptions.

    The War gladiator had a mixture of heavy and medium armour when he initially started his Conquest runs, with the heavy armour being predominant (I think only 1 leg guard and 1 arm guard were chain mail). It seems that the game tries to provide a loot which somehow matches the existing equipment of the fighter who has completed the dungeon but it does so in a rather strange manner - i.e. if the gladiator has a piece of medium armour, he might get medium armour loot and same for the other two armour types. I suppose if you have full light/medium/heavy armour suit on the gladiator who goes through the dungeon, you'll get the same type of armour in the end. If this is so, the question is if a gladiator with mixed armour has a somewhat balanced chance to get a reward of each type rather than consistently getting a reward of one and the same type and is the level of the rewarded item (purple, orange in this case) also considered.

    And of course all things above might be just luck.

  2. #2
    Elite Master Adoede's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Hey Kreegan, I've noticed the same thing. I switched my war to heavy armor and he ended up getting an orange heavy armor piece - my first ever. I think you're right that the system tries to match the gear you're currently equipping. A trick to try is to switch your gear for the last battle to full heavys (even greens or blues) if you really want to get a heavy armor piece.
    Adoede | Tevrosin

  3. #3
    Elite Master Kreegan's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Well, that's not much of a solution if your vault slots are full and you have too many pieces to switch, even though it can theoretically be done if you have just 1 or 2 pieces of armour to replace and most of your vault is empty. I doubt the consistent drop of identical types of armour is intended though, hence the topic.

  4. #4
    Legendary Master Cynaidh's Avatar
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    Sep 2011
    Just some more data for you but i have been running Behemoth threw this regularly the past few days and i believe most if not all his drops off the end boss have been heavy armor (he is wearing full heavy armor) or weapons, he has only gotten 1 orange but it was heavy armor.
    Manager of the Gold Stables: Ab and Ba Gold

  5. #5
    Elite Master Adoede's Avatar
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    Jan 2014
    Kreegan, I tried the trick I told you about and it worked twice for me. Switched to all heavy gear for the last boss battle and walked away with an orange heavy armor piece both times.
    Adoede | Tevrosin

  6. #6
    Elite Master Kreegan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Yup, that seems almost certain now, the thing is that a mixture of different armour types does not seem to result in a mixture of different loot types.

    Also, this is what I got in the end of of my last Nightmare run:

    Blue loot.jpg

    It's blue, in case the picture is bad (can't upload it anywhere externally at the moment, sorry).

  7. #7
    Elite Master Kreegan's Avatar
    Join Date
    Feb 2012
    Yesterday I finally got my first orange heavy armour piece on the mixed-armour War, after a sequence of 8 or 9 medium pieces. So if there was a bug in the first place, it seems to have "disappeared".

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