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  1. #21
    Fresh Meat PH cares's Avatar
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    Where you least expect it.
    is 30% encumbrance still ok? or in what percent do you consider it alarming?

  2. #22
    Pit Master Apoca1ypse's Avatar
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    Dec 2010
    30% is great I'd be worried if I was above 40%
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    >>Player Guide Compendium<<

    Stable: Team Win
    Official Team Song: Dethklok - Face Fisted
    Gladiators on Note: Ahhnold, Bruce Iee, Duke Nukem, Bruce Willis, Wargh, Kharn

    Quote Originally Posted by Nate View Post
    P.S. Apoc is still a ninja!

  3. #23
    Fresh Meat PH cares's Avatar
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    Aug 2013
    Where you least expect it.
    if using pole arms. shall i use Lunge?

  4. #24
    Legendary Master Prinny's Avatar
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    The Netherlands
    Depends wether you have Light as a Feather or not, 30% is sitll pretty doable without it, I draw my limits to encumbrance without Light as a Feather at 35%+. If you have Light as a Feather at 10: ignore encumbrance

    About pole arms and using lunge...I will let you figure that one out yourself. You should treat the weapons as you would in real life. So ask yourself a question: will I bash with this spear, slash at him or will I stab some1 with it?

  5. #25
    I decided to make a new war glad cuz one of my gladiators had a terrible win/loss ratio so I sold him. My new gladiator Shirley I made a war glad, and than I decided to read this.... yea lol

    She's good on everything except for size, str 81 intel 68 agility 71 stamina 74 presence 73 chi 55 :/ and size..... 70, you think she will really fail just because her size is so low? I'm still guna give it a shot and see where she goes, right now she's level four and has a weapon skill level four, two handed weapons, i've got her with a two handed axe. She's good so far, 4 and 0 on her fights, but I am concerned.

    also are you sure that being overencumbered is all that bad? I have a war glad that has 91 wins and 59 losses, I don't think that's a terrible ratio, and he's 63 percent encumbered.
    Last edited by CryBabyBedWetters; 10-06-2013 at 04:16 AM.

  6. #26
    Pit Master Apoca1ypse's Avatar
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    70 size isnt bad for a non HoL glad. dont be too disheartened

    try and keep encumbrance below 45%. if this means you have to wear some medium armor, so be it. being able to move > being a combat mannequin
    Do you want to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women? Then follow the link below!

    >>Player Guide Compendium<<

    Stable: Team Win
    Official Team Song: Dethklok - Face Fisted
    Gladiators on Note: Ahhnold, Bruce Iee, Duke Nukem, Bruce Willis, Wargh, Kharn

    Quote Originally Posted by Nate View Post
    P.S. Apoc is still a ninja!

  7. #27
    Legendary Master Prinny's Avatar
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    The Netherlands
    Sry for being a bit late on this, I didn't notice the post
    This guide is based on my own personal experience and choices for glads and I do admit that set the bar for my glads rather high. I would advise against following ANY guides to the detail as the most fun in this game comes from making your own gladiators and tweaking them till perfection. There is nothing more satisfying than having brought up your own glad and having them smack the other gladiators around the arena
    As apoc pointed out you could always switch some heavy for medium armour (torso is the heaviest so if you swap out the heavy torso for a medium one that's a huge decrease in encumbrance right there)
    As for your win/lose record, it's easy to get a high winrate in the lower brackets so although 91 wins and 59 losses is good it is also far from perfect. The only way you are going to make it all the way to the top is to gain more and more experience with the dynamics of the game and what works best for you tweaking strats and glads as you come along.

  8. #28
    Amazing guide Prinny!

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