The Overlord
Tip 11: Competing in Jimmy the Squid's underground Pit Fights at the Black Market are a great way to win powerful items like purple and blue gear for free! It is also a great place to test out your strategies before going to the Arena Gates to see how successful they might be. Make sure you fight every day in the Pit Fights to help aid you on your quest to become a champion!
The Overlord
Tip #12: What's with those Black Market Pit Fight Formats? I get this question a lot. Jimmy likes to mix things up as it keeps it interesting and gives different builds an advantage over others based on the format. It also teaches you how to play the game better by having you modify your strategies to win (or sometimes lose) in the Pit Fights you are learning how your strategies make a big difference in the outcome of the battle and learning what happens when you do X and Y happens.
A common cry is: "But Nate, I don't have a choice if my gladiator kills my opponent!"
Actually, you have a lot of influence over that, play with your strategies and you'll find it to be true!
The Overlord
Tip #13: Smart gladiators will use their skills more often than gladiators will a low intellect. Dumb gladiators will still use skills though, they aren't THAT dumb! Not even Trugs!
The Overlord
Tip #14: With the Accountant stable upgrade all of your gladiators will immediately start earning double the amount of gold.
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