You are completely missing the point of MOA. Why would you waste 10 trains in shield when you can instead put them into MOA and then use any weapon anytime with the same skill as you main weapon skill? If you get disarmed any weapon you pick up you'll be proficient in. 10 train in your weapon and 10 train in shield or MOA is 20 points. MOA allows a gladiator to be a lot more flexible and adapt with the meta game a lot easier. It also allows you to switch up your build in the Blood Games when you know who you are fighting in advance. If you know your next opponent doesn't do well against 2H glads you can switch to a 2H weapon for that fight. It's really about flexibility and options for the creative manager.I just generally feel like master of arms should be redone. Its only use is if you want to use different stuff later on and you still need to train 20 points for this. If there would be a way to do it with 10 points, this would really reflect the master of arms - type that this skill should be