Blixx the Bleeder
Sniveler Theatrics
A mercenary in the employ of one of the Cult of Savroc that persistently dogs the character, interfering with their plans (often behind the scene of creating obstacles), etc. Very crafty, and manipulative, but somewhat craven in direct confrontation. Quite adept at escape and evasion, but in the event of capture usually has valuable information to persuade his release. An alcoholic, and best described as "the turd that just won't flush", he is a survivor.

Magistrate Vidal
A devious city official being used by the Cult of Savroc. He and Blixx have been spotted together occasionally. Initially Blixx is thought to be in his employ, but Blixx is the link between the Cult. He is arrogant, wealthy, and influential, often bribing other city officials, and works the legal and political systems for his own selfish gains.

Krug the Thug
Trug War/rage
A hired thug employed by Vidal. Big, stupid, and crude he is nevertheless a formidable opponent (and quite focused when given simple tasks). He is often used to carry out Vidal’s plots so that Vidal can avoid dirtying his hands.

Baron Accius
The third son of a minor noble family, he grew discontent with his low station and runs an underground crime ring. He tends to be defensive, paranoid, and overestimates his capabilities. He is on the take from Vidal believing himself to be an equal partner but is nothing more than a pawn.

The Cult of Sav’roc
Human Rage/Priests
A cult devoted to the resurrection of their dark lord. Headed by Prelate Sekk, other members include Disciples Kronin and Radec, and Visor Voric – a deranged, decrepit, and raving cultist who has prophetic visions. Both Kronin and Radec have doubts about Sekk’s devotion and plan to sacrifice him during the resurrection to appease their lord. Blixx intends to make a tidy profit off all of this.