The joys of a Hall of Legends slave... I await the day when I can award Freedom to my first Gladiator.

Must have reached the Primus bracket.... Not yet, but soon.
Must have greater than a 55% win ratio.... 448-338-23.... 57%
Must have 1500 total fights or more.... Half way there....
Must be level 50 or higher.... Been there for a couple of weeks now...
Not fighting in the Blood Games.... Better check and be sure I have enough time...

1500-786 = 714 8 tokens/day + ~2/tavern = 10 fights/day. Woof. 71 days!!! Even if I get attacked 10 times/day it will still be over a month. Looks like this is going to take a while. The good news is that it is safe to sign up for the Blood Games!

So the "Level 50" and "Primus" requirements are pretty much moot. I do not see a way anyone could get close to 1500 Fights with a 55% Win/Loss ratio and not have achieved both of those. Wow. I thought the L50 would be what took the time. Never did the math on 1500 fights.