Gonna give my boys some kudos for a moment here. But Moon Child and Power Slave have been doing pretty well. They are the ying to each other's yang. Completley opposite in everything they are and do, but do indeed show excellent results.
Moon Child has been a bit off lately, having some issues with these knucklehead brutes.
But I think we have worked those kinks out.
It's all in the hips you know.
So we did some lateral work and a few tweaks here and there. Moon Child was very receptive to the changes and is feeling pretty confident after making some positive strides during practice.
We believe we have rectified the getting bowled over with that pesky Rage barreling attack at the beginning of each match.

Oh, how I hate that attack.

Power Slave has also been putting in extra work and it sure is showing results. Indeed he gives some entertaining bouts. Never easy but always entertaining.

And how can I leave out Solstice!

Although not as skilled, but since his last visit to the wrong side he has begun a grand run towards the top. And yet, by his own creation has developed his own unique fighting style. And thus far the results have been impressive.

Please feel free to share your own stable stories, it does get boring talking about my team to my team after a while.