Greetings Pit Master!

Please see the list below for what changes and additions were be made:

  • The unlocking schedule for when new strategy rows, triggers and fighting styles become available has been changed. When you log into the game you will want to go the Fight Strategy screen and adjust your strategies if your gladiator is level 30 or below as the options available to them will have changed and their Fight strategies have been set to default settings.

  • Blue items can now be purchased with gold at the Blacksmith.
  • The Blacksmith only lets gladiators who are level 13 or above into the Chamber of Power.
  • The Blacksmith only lets gladiators who are level 25 or above purchase purple items.

  • Arena Gate fights sometimes reward gladiators with exciting prizes for a win and always for a kill.
  • Challenge and Avoid lists have been expanded to include the 40 gladiators above and 10 gladiators below your current ranking.
  • Arena Challenge victories have an increased rate to drop blue and purple items.
  • The number of past fights kept on the "My Fights" screen has been increased to 10.

  • Players now have the ability to verify and change the email address used to login on the Account Screen. Players who verify their email address will be rewarded with one free week of the Merchant's guild!
  • Players now have the ability to change their password on the Account Screen.

  • New Help Text available on each screen to assist players with questions they might have.
  • Brand new tutorial streamlined to help new players learn how to play and enjoy the game easier.
  • New registration page.