Let's say I put seven training points into Create Distance and then three into Feint for a total of ten, thus unlocking the next tier of skills. I then put three into Death From Above. If I were to go back and unlearn those three points I had put into Feint, would I keep my points in Death From Above and my access to that tier? And would I regain any of the training points from Feint, rather than have them be lost forever? I just want to clarify what would happen. I don't want to make any haphazard decisions.

Also, what do you think of the skill Feint? It doesn't seem particularly special to me. My current plan is to pump training points into Gratuitous Violence (I've already maxed out my weapon mastery in the Theatrics tree, gaining access to that), Create Distance, Death From Above, and Barreling Attack.

Thank you!