Wouldn't it make sense to be able to view warrior's fight strategy in the scouting reports? It's not much of scouting report if you still don't know how he fights. Especially since there is no way to be sure what strategy any warrior is using at any time.

IMO, I think each warrior's fight strategy shoud be displayed during the fight (trigger, activity, style, etc) and show the changes in strategy during the match. It would only make sense to see it since your fighter is facing his opponent and theoretically you as a manager are watching the fight and would be able to observe the opponents strategy.
Whether his strategy says the same or changes fight to fight makes for more strategic managing.

Right now, you are in the dark in exactly what you are facing and what you just faced while being only able to figure out limited aspects of your opponents strategy after the fight.

Sorta like reading a newspaper about a MMA match and only being told how each blow was landed. If you watched the match you would know a ton of info about both fighters.

Perhaps only the "Bone Crushing Highlights" should be viewed by all in the arena results, but the "blow by blow" with the fight strategies, can be seen only by the 2 managers involved.
If another manager wanted to view the "Blow by Blow" results, a small fee could be charged for such results since it would be sorta like a scouting report but no more then if they were watching from the arena sidelines.