Hi everyone, I just joined the game. My team name is Aquilas (Latin for Eagle) and my first gladiator is a Theatrics named Myrmillus ( comes from a type of ancient Roman gladiator *Myrmillo*) I it was REALLY REALLY fun when I first started it, everything pulled me in, the art, the concept, the stat system, everything, but then after about 30 minutes of playing it stopped and I had nothing to do. I did all my fights, did all 5 tavern quests, updated his stats...but then I had nothing to do...AT ALL. I have no idea what i'm missing or not doing but i'm stuck and bored. So far I REALLY REALLY LOVE this game and I think I could become a die hard, hardcore Pit Of War player...if I had anything to do and could really play this game.

Please, If anyone can help or point me in the right direction I would love it so much. I don't want to have to wait to keep playing...I wanna play and play and play.
I know I probaly sound like a total noob right now, and I'm sorry, but any and ALL help is really appricaited.

Team Aquilas