So, got a new War glad who I am quite happy about. I don't want to make him a pure tank even though he has the stats for it, his strength and agility are only 1 point apart and are both respectable so I figured if I wanted a more offensive glad I should dip into one or both of the other trees.

I plan on duel wielding maces/axes, so I was curious about what skills to go for. Barreling attack seems like a good one (what determins the success of it to go off in combat, is it the same as a normal hit or does it take into account strength or size or something?)

Another one I was considering was Signiture move, my War's best stat is stam so I figure even if I can't beat my opponent I can at least keep him off balance long enough for his stam to wear down.

So the skills I was looking at were:
called shot
iron jaw
signiture move

barreling attack
brute force

so between brute force and athleticism I should be hitting more consistantly, with called shot I should hopefully be hitting my targetted bodypart.

with barreling attack, hamstring, signiture move, feignt and war cry I should be stacking a bunch of various penalties on their attacks, attack power, defensive power and other statistics.

Now, there are a lot of skills, some of which I may not need, just wanted to see if this was a viable way of building a offensive War. Also, do active abilities cost extra energy to use? cause if they do I might wear my glad down quickly if I have too many.