Well, I ocasionaly fight, in heavy armour (30 kg, don't exactly know how much that adds up to in pounds. Probably around 50) as a less well known sport and, well, yes, even standing will wear you out a bit.

But in this game, human warriors measuring up to 2.50 meters in height (or something like that) can stand around, wearing armour that looks like it weighs over 80 kg, wielding a towershield the size of a smaller guy and actively defend themselves against whatever is thrown at them for 10 minutes at a time :P. Whereas I and most of my colleagues drop dead in anything over 4 minutes of actual fighting, in reasonable armor, at that.

This game is not about realism, you know?

Now, all offtopic aside, I've seen some really odd behaviour between wars who tank and theatrics who counter attack. There's no need to get personal over this, as I'm pretty sure Nate's gonna shed some light on the subject. EVENTUALLY...