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Thread: Theatric help

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  1. #1

    Theatric help

    So i have had my account for a while, I first started with rage, because it was simple and easy to use, i gradually moved onto war, then finally to theartic. I had purchased my new glad with the base stats of 69,71,82,65,64,66 (in order presented in overview) and a size of 73. It was a rather novice act of me, as aside from agility the stats are rather terrible, but i jumped at the high agility because my original intent was to create a speed/quick kill type of gladiator. This gladiator would dispatch the enemy before it had time to react, this worked amazing for a while until i had ascended through the brackets to the champion bracket and now I find my gladiator losing far more frequently then before, so I had decided to change him to all rounded theatric, however to my displeasure this did not work as I had planned. It tends to be more oriented to rage and war in my losses, could i get some suggestions as to what i may need to do to fix my gladiator or should I sell him and buy a new one?
    Last edited by Axearon; 05-07-2014 at 08:35 PM.

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