Today I found a glad with the stats of 87-78-98-76-83-83-60 at the cost of 1137 gold in my slave market that I wanted to try a Snivler~Theatrics build on, after comtemplating for about half an hour I decided to reluctantly retire Vyers in order to get this glad.

To my suprise I found that the slaves had refreshed when I retired Vyers and I was no longer able to get the slave I retired him for.

I guess I should've seen this coming but on the other hand this is rather annoying because now I neither have the new slave I wanted and to get Vyers back (Who wasn't a bad glad at all, infact he had close to a 60% winrate in blood gods) I would need to spend 1000 trophies.

Not only that but this also gives Tagro-Zul a lower chance to get the #1 rank as the patron blood god team.