Hi Nate,

Would it be possible to include a second (and even third) set of lines in the fight strategies, where you could click with a toggle-switch which plan to use?

As quick example,

Plan A:
1- Start of fight, Activity 6, Counterattack, Bloodlust 6
2- Opponent is trying to give up, Activity 4, Slash, Bloodlust 10
3- Opponent is Blind, Activity 8, Slash, Bloodlust 8
4- Opponent is Bleeding, Activity 4, Parry-Slash, Bloodlust 4
5- I am tired, Activity 4, Parry-Slash, Bloodlust 4

Plan B:
1- Start of fight, Activity 8, Parry-slash, Bloodlust 2
2- Opponent is very tired, Activity 6, Slash, Bloodlust 6
3- Opponent is hurt, Activity 7, Slash, Bloodlust 7
4- Odd Round, Activity 6, Parry-slash, Bloodlust 4
5- Even Round, Activity 8, Slash, Bloodlust 6

Plan C:

That way we could have on hand an easy way to switch out our strategies. So, we could have our default one, and then select to use the Plan B (or C) for arena challenges, a certain opponent type, for the Battle Royale, to tweak and experiment, etc. (It would sure beat taking a screen shot of your current strategy, then putting the new one in, taking a screen shot of it, and then changin back, etc).

Would anyone else find this of use?