Dear Mother,
I know we have not always been on the best of terms, however please believe me when I say I hope this letter finds you in good health.
Last I remember, the great death had mercilessly been eradicating our village. Has that changed? I know fathers passing hit you hard and you struggled for many years after, but that was not your fault. None of this was your fault.

I do not blame you for ignoring the drunken abuse I went through. Nor do I think any less of you for allowing him to do what he did to you. Yes you may not have wanted a child at the time, but you still chose to keep me. That is why I am writing you today, to let you know how far I have come since then. I also wanted to finally admit to a crime and ask for your forgiveness.

I was the one who killed him mom, I was the one who killed the man you once loved so fiercely. I killed my dad because I could no longer handle what he was doing to us day after day after day. And so I fled. I panicked and I fled. I was also captured by slave traders not long after.

Oddly enough though, life is actually alright now. I was sold of course. But I was lucky enough to be bought by a man that continues to surprise me in ways I never thought a man could. I am now a gladiator fighting for this man yet contrary to all the others, he seems to care about me.

He looks after me, and I kill for him. No man shall ever hurt us again mother, ever!. My manager and I are actually eloping sometime next year, depending on how the season goes. We would love for you to attend. I have to go though, Hopefully you are in good spirits.

Your daughter
