I had a question regarding 2H weapons fighting.

After a couple of fights I found a ball and chain and when equipped it I start to notice I won a lot more fights (did a lot of damage) in comparisation when I used a 2h Axe. Also I missed less attacks and dealt out more attacks per round whilst the only difference was the weapon's damage and weight. My 2H weapon skill was the same.

Now later on I found a 2H Maul with even more damage and less weight so I changed to this weapon instead but suddenly I fumble around with my weapon a lot and I hardly hit the opponent and when it does it does light damage. Now the activity 2H weapon level and Bloodlust are all the same. So how is this suddenly possible? I now lose much more battles (I see also changes in the tavern contracts, I have a much harder time beating them).

Is the Maul maybe harder to hit with so I need a higher weapon level? Are there maybe some "invisible" or visible stats per weapon that I should look at. Again the activity bloodlust and weapon skill were the same only difference is that the maul has higher damage and less weight, speed is the same. And I had to change fighting style as well.

Hope someone can answer the question, or maybe Mauls are just bugged or someting and ball and chains are always better even when the stats show that this should not be the case?

