Well this thread has made me think that perhaps a 2handed offensive Arms would be much better offensive gladiator then a 2handed Rage could hope to be, and since the only thing I can do is give it a try I just picked up this slave:

str 83 Int 77 Agi 70 Stam 61 Size 80 Pres 66 Chi 65 ( i know stam sucks but i'll fix it with gear, 50/100/150 win achievement, and a few trophies)

And am going to do a simple set of skills that i think will make him be a better 2 handed warrior then a rage can be.
2 handed 10
Feint 10
Create Distance 10
Armour Movement 10
War Cry 10
Hamstring 10

Brute Force 10
Barreling 10
Blood Drunk 10
Last Stand 10

I'll let ya know in a few months how it turns out