in the top 25 currently there are 4 2handed rage. CaineDeSoulis,Sliver,Kharn and Rarg. Caine is currently using the setup Dain spoke of massive health/stamina and hope for survivability. Unfortunately the damage output from my glad at least is comparable to Eruption's Damage with the exception in Rampage. not to mention even with all the stratagy changes i could make the maximum attack's i get will always be 2 attacks per round UNLESS ive already attacked twice and then my last stand triggers in which case i will get 3 attacks. this is with a speed 1.1 weapon and 10 activity 1 bloodlust berserk. if Create Distance goes of 2 times in a 3 round fight my damage is cut by 33% if armor blocks an attack i'm up to 50% and if for some reason my 2handed weapon user decides to punch with his off hand 67% of my *MASSIVE* damage is gone.