So a new slave popped up on the market, 86 str, 68 agi, other stats are from mid 60's to low 70's except chi which is in the 50's (not that i care about that).

anyway, he doesnt have enough size, stam or chi to make a war or rager, i figured 68 is good enough for a theatric (i'm new so i'm not looking for the absolute best stats).

anyway, so since there's a 18 point different between strength and agi, i figured it would probably be better to go axes and maces since the weapon skill uses strength rather than AGI.

question though, since axes and maces don't tend to bleed much is it worth getting GV or should i focus more on other skills, maybe dip a bit more into the rage and war trees.

or should I just stick with theatric, go for lots of bleeding and just be happy that my weapons hit harder?