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Thread: Judgement

  1. #1


    Alright I may need some help with this guy. Were looking at 3000hp stacked Armour but I haven't had my shots absorbed by Armour. his tank is set to absorb damage from 3k to 1500. this usually takes roughly 35-50 rounds. during each of these rounds ALL of my shots are Create Distanced were talking 30-50. At 1500 his defense goes down slightly and he begins an assault with his 2hander dropping 200-300 point shots once a round. since Caine is a tank buster its really irritating to be tanked. anyone have any idea's I've tried everything I could think of aside upgrading gear to take him out.
    Stable: Zombie

    This is the Refer a Freind program link if you would like to be recruited by me please click this link. If you need any advice on gladiator management feel free to message me through the forums or my Stable "Zombie" in game and i will help as much as i can. Thank You ^_^

    CaineDeSoulis: Primus Champion
    Prey: Undisputed Primus Champion
    Tourach:Primus Contender
    Sedris: Lord of Death

  2. #2
    Pit Master Apoca1ypse's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    aim for his weapon arm. maybe get lucky and disarm him.
    Do you want to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women? Then follow the link below!

    >>Player Guide Compendium<<

    Stable: Team Win
    Official Team Song: Dethklok - Face Fisted
    Gladiators on Note: Ahhnold, Bruce Iee, Duke Nukem, Bruce Willis, Wargh, Kharn

    Quote Originally Posted by Nate View Post
    P.S. Apoc is still a ninja!

  3. #3
    R O U N D 1
    R O U N D 2
    CAINEDESOULIS tries to kill his opponent with his VORPAL GREAT AXE.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 3
    CAINEDESOULIS's VORPAL GREAT AXE arcs toward his opponent.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 4
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 5
    CAINEDESOULIS raises his VORPAL GREAT AXE overhead.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 6
    CAINEDESOULIS dances hastily to and fro.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    E N D O F M I N U T E 1
    CAINEDESOULIS looks to be ahead as of now!
    R O U N D 7
    CAINEDESOULIS springs hurriedly back and forth.
    CAINEDESOULIS collides with JUDGEMENT and seeks to pound him.
    CAINEDESOULIS looks to seriously damage JUDGEMENT's armour! (-Sunder Armour-)
    A weak wound is opened on JUDGEMENT's torso. (+51 Damage)
    R O U N D 8
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 9
    CAINEDESOULIS bounces hurriedly around the arena.
    CAINEDESOULIS tries to squash his enemy with his VORPAL GREAT AXE.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 10
    CAINEDESOULIS swings his VORPAL GREAT AXE in a strong arc.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 11
    CAINEDESOULIS makes a devastating strike with his bloody VORPAL GREAT AXE.
    JUDGEMENT backs up a few inches as CAINEDESOULIS descends upon him! (-Shock & Awe-)
    Unbelievable smash to the cheek drives bone through the eye and into the brain! (+253 Damage)
    R O U N D 12
    CAINEDESOULIS's VORPAL GREAT AXE arcs through the air.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    E N D O F M I N U T E 2
    CAINEDESOULIS looks to be winning the fight so far!
    R O U N D 13
    R O U N D 14
    JUDGEMENT is no longer affected by Shock & Awe
    CAINEDESOULIS bounces swiftly back and forth.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 15
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 16
    CAINEDESOULIS takes a swipe with his VORPAL GREAT AXE.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 17
    JUDGEMENT makes an awkward strike with his SOULWOOD MACE.
    JUDGEMENT misses badly and works to regain his balance.
    CAINEDESOULIS attacks with an vicious uppercut.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 18
    CAINEDESOULIS bounces quickly around his opponent.
    CAINEDESOULIS storms JUDGEMENT and seeks to flatten him.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    E N D O F M I N U T E 3
    CAINEDESOULIS is on top in this match!
    R O U N D 19
    CAINEDESOULIS shuffles around the arena in hopes of action.
    CAINEDESOULIS tries to hurt his enemy.
    CAINEDESOULIS tries to fake JUDGEMENT out with a few twirls of his weapon! (-Feint-)
    Slamming shot into JUDGEMENT's knee causes a nasty sprain! (+91 Damage)
    CAINEDESOULIS pauses for a moment to catch his breath.
    R O U N D 20
    CAINEDESOULIS strikes out at an awkward angle with his VORPAL GREAT AXE.
    JUDGEMENT backs up a few inches as CAINEDESOULIS descends upon him! (-Shock & Awe-)
    Sparks fly as JUDGEMENT's armour deflects the strike!
    R O U N D 21
    CAINEDESOULIS brings his VORPAL GREAT AXE crashing down onto JUDGEMENT.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 22
    R O U N D 23
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 24
    CAINEDESOULIS leaps hurriedly around JUDGEMENT.
    CAINEDESOULIS aims for JUDGEMENT's weapon arm.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    E N D O F M I N U T E 4
    CAINEDESOULIS is the favorite right now!
    R O U N D 25
    CAINEDESOULIS dances around the arena in hopes of action.
    CAINEDESOULIS sneaks in an off handed strike.
    CAINEDESOULIS seeks to pummel his opponent with his FIST.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 26
    The Enforcer picks JUDGEMENT up with one hand and smashes him into the sands for not fighting! (+165 Damage)
    R O U N D 27
    CAINEDESOULIS makes a bashing attack with his VORPAL GREAT AXE.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 28
    CAINEDESOULIS circles JUDGEMENT like a starved vulture, looking for an opening.
    CAINEDESOULIS attempts to destroy his adversary.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 29
    CAINEDESOULIS hops around the arena in hopes of action.
    CAINEDESOULIS's VORPAL GREAT AXE sails through the air with wicked intent.
    CAINEDESOULIS roars uncontrollably as he attacks! (-Rampage-)
    Herculean blast to JUDGEMENT's elbow rips it from the socket and causes it to sway in the wind like a pendulum! (+362 Damage)
    JUDGEMENT looks at his body and notices he has taken a few hits!
    R O U N D 30
    CAINEDESOULIS tries to bash his adversary.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    E N D O F M I N U T E 5
    CAINEDESOULIS is winning the fight!
    R O U N D 31
    R O U N D 32
    CAINEDESOULIS awkwardly swings his VORPAL GREAT AXE.
    CAINEDESOULIS aims for JUDGEMENT's weapon arm.
    CAINEDESOULIS looks to seriously damage JUDGEMENT's armour! (-Sunder Armour-)
    Shot glances off JUDGEMENT's hip. (+29 Damage)
    CAINEDESOULIS should have spent more time running laps.
    R O U N D 33
    JUDGEMENT runs right at his enemy.
    JUDGEMENT misses badly and works to regain his balance.
    CAINEDESOULIS circles JUDGEMENT like a starved vulture, looking for an opening.
    CAINEDESOULIS takes a swipe with his VORPAL GREAT AXE.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    Stable: Zombie

    This is the Refer a Freind program link if you would like to be recruited by me please click this link. If you need any advice on gladiator management feel free to message me through the forums or my Stable "Zombie" in game and i will help as much as i can. Thank You ^_^

    CaineDeSoulis: Primus Champion
    Prey: Undisputed Primus Champion
    Tourach:Primus Contender
    Sedris: Lord of Death

  4. #4
    R O U N D 34
    CAINEDESOULIS leaps hastily about.
    CAINEDESOULIS makes a downward strike with his VORPAL GREAT AXE.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 35
    R O U N D 36
    CAINEDESOULIS circles JUDGEMENT like a starved vulture, looking for an opening.
    CAINEDESOULIS tries to kill his adversary.
    CAINEDESOULIS looks to seriously damage JUDGEMENT's armour! (-Sunder Armour-)
    Broken finger on JUDGEMENT's hand...ah, didn't need it anyway! (+91 Damage)
    E N D O F M I N U T E 6
    CAINEDESOULIS surely won that last minute!
    R O U N D 37
    CAINEDESOULIS advances on JUDGEMENT and looks to smash his enemy.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    The crowd hurls insults and sharp objects at JUDGEMENT as he stands around doing nothing! (+295 Damage)
    R O U N D 38
    The Enforcer demands action and knocks JUDGEMENT into the arena wall! (+368 Damage)
    R O U N D 39
    JUDGEMENT has some pretty nasty cuts and bruises on his body!!
    JUDGEMENT looks to strike CAINEDESOULIS.
    JUDGEMENT connects with his SOULWOOD MACE creating gigantic damage! (+143 Damage)
    CAINEDESOULIS should really think about taking a break!
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 40
    CAINEDESOULIS flies frantically to and fro.
    CAINEDESOULIS uses his VORPAL GREAT AXE to lash out with deadly force.
    CAINEDESOULIS tries to knock JUDGEMENT down with the force of the blow! (-Barreling Attack-)
    JUDGEMENT screams as he gets knocked to the ground by the massive shot!
    Magnificent hit to the shin creates a pain so unbearable JUDGEMENT bites off a portion of his tongue in an attempt not to scream! (+280 Damage)

    JUDGEMENT tries to attack from the ground.
    JUDGEMENT moves off a parry and smashes downward with his HEROIC HEATER SHIELD.
    CAINEDESOULIS's armour deflects the blow!
    CAINEDESOULIS overtakes JUDGEMENT and seeks to maim his enemy.
    JUDGEMENT backs up a few inches as CAINEDESOULIS descends upon him! (-Shock & Awe-)
    CAINEDESOULIS smiles after the substantial hit to JUDGEMENT's upper back! (+232 Damage)
    Sweat pours off of CAINEDESOULIS's face!!
    JUDGEMENT pauses for a moment to catch his breath.
    R O U N D 41
    JUDGEMENT jumps up off the arena floor!
    CAINEDESOULIS jumps and hops around his adversary.
    CAINEDESOULIS punches with his FIST.
    CAINEDESOULIS is aiming at JUDGEMENT's main hand.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    JUDGEMENT bounces around the arena in hopes of action.
    JUDGEMENT moves off a parry and goes for a crushing attack with his HEROIC HEATER SHIELD.
    JUDGEMENT is aiming at CAINEDESOULIS's shield arm.
    Sparks fly as CAINEDESOULIS's armour deflects the strike!
    R O U N D 42
    JUDGEMENT is no longer affected by Shock & Awe
    CAINEDESOULIS hurtles around as if on fire.
    CAINEDESOULIS swings his VORPAL GREAT AXE wildly through the air.
    JUDGEMENT's armour absorbs the hit!
    CAINEDESOULIS is ready to drop from exhaustion!!!
    CAINEDESOULIS lashes out like an untamed creature and attacks.
    CAINEDESOULIS looks to seriously damage JUDGEMENT's armour! (-Sunder Armour-)
    CAINEDESOULIS's face scowls as JUDGEMENT's armour does its job!
    JUDGEMENT shuffles around the arena in hopes of action.
    JUDGEMENT moves towards CAINEDESOULIS and attempts to hurt him.
    JUDGEMENT tries to knock CAINEDESOULIS down with the force of the blow! (-Barreling Attack-)
    CAINEDESOULIS screams as he gets knocked to the ground by the massive shot!
    The blow to CAINEDESOULIS's butt lands with gigantic force! (+194 Damage)

    Resisted Stun Effect!
    E N D O F M I N U T E 7
    R O U N D 43
    CAINEDESOULIS attempts to pick himself up off the ground, but slips and falls back down!
    CAINEDESOULIS tries to attack from the ground.
    CAINEDESOULIS smashes down with his VORPAL GREAT AXE.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    JUDGEMENT moves off a parry and smashes downward with his SOULWOOD MACE.
    JUDGEMENT looks to hamstring CAINEDESOULIS! (-Hamstring-)
    Unrivaled power helps drive the weapon into CAINEDESOULIS's lower thigh cracking bone and mangling doesn't look good for CAINEDESOULIS! (+126 Damage)
    CAINEDESOULIS has taken some slight damage from this fight!
    CAINEDESOULIS lets forth the roar of a lion and prepares to leave it all on the sands! (-Last Stand-)
    CAINEDESOULIS moves around on the ground looking for an opening to strike.
    CAINEDESOULIS drives towards JUDGEMENT and looks to pulverize his opponent.
    CAINEDESOULIS's VORPAL GREAT AXE is intercepted with a well placed block.
    R O U N D 44
    CAINEDESOULIS attempts to pick himself up off the ground, but slips and falls back down!
    Stable: Zombie

    This is the Refer a Freind program link if you would like to be recruited by me please click this link. If you need any advice on gladiator management feel free to message me through the forums or my Stable "Zombie" in game and i will help as much as i can. Thank You ^_^

    CaineDeSoulis: Primus Champion
    Prey: Undisputed Primus Champion
    Tourach:Primus Contender
    Sedris: Lord of Death

  5. #5
    Pit Master Apoca1ypse's Avatar
    Join Date
    Dec 2010
    whaaaat! create distance of stupidity!
    Do you want to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women? Then follow the link below!

    >>Player Guide Compendium<<

    Stable: Team Win
    Official Team Song: Dethklok - Face Fisted
    Gladiators on Note: Ahhnold, Bruce Iee, Duke Nukem, Bruce Willis, Wargh, Kharn

    Quote Originally Posted by Nate View Post
    P.S. Apoc is still a ninja!

  6. #6
    A slight breeze can be felt.
    R O U N D 1
    R O U N D 2
    R O U N D 3
    R O U N D 4
    CAINEDESOULIS stops to store his energy.
    CAINEDESOULIS storms JUDGEMENT and seeks to hurt his adversary.
    CAINEDESOULIS aims for JUDGEMENT's head.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 5
    R O U N D 6
    E N D O F M I N U T E 1
    R O U N D 7
    R O U N D 8
    CAINEDESOULIS's DREAMWOOD BATTLE FLAIL becomes a moving wall of steel and death as he charges forward.
    JUDGEMENT backs up a few inches as CAINEDESOULIS descends upon him! (-Shock & Awe-)
    JUDGEMENT's shield moves quickly to intercept the bulk of CAINEDESOULIS's flailing attack!
    CAINEDESOULIS lands a strike on JUDGEMENT's back causing massive wounds! (+342 Damage)
    R O U N D 9
    R O U N D 10
    R O U N D 11
    JUDGEMENT is no longer affected by Shock & Awe
    CAINEDESOULIS's DREAMWOOD BATTLE FLAIL curves in an bloody arc.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 12
    E N D O F M I N U T E 2
    CAINEDESOULIS looks to be winning the fight so far!
    R O U N D 13
    R O U N D 14
    R O U N D 15
    CAINEDESOULIS looks to strike JUDGEMENT.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 16
    R O U N D 17
    JUDGEMENT looks at the crowd as he runs around the battle field.
    JUDGEMENT looks to an off handed strike to deal damage.
    JUDGEMENT makes a rookie attack with his HEROIC HEATER SHIELD.
    A slight miscalculation causes JUDGEMENT's attack to split the air only inches from CAINEDESOULIS.
    R O U N D 18
    CAINEDESOULIS bids for the ideal opportunity to take action.
    CAINEDESOULIS uses his DREAMWOOD BATTLE FLAIL to lash out with deadly force.
    CAINEDESOULIS roars uncontrollably as he attacks! (-Rampage-)
    With vicious power JUDGEMENT's sternum is shattered on impact exciting the crowd so much small children are trampled in the excitement! (+336 Damage)
    CAINEDESOULIS takes a step back to catch a quick breather.
    E N D O F M I N U T E 3
    CAINEDESOULIS is the favorite right now!
    R O U N D 19
    R O U N D 20
    R O U N D 21
    The crowd boos in disgust at the lack of action and begins throwing things at JUDGEMENT! (+190 Damage)
    R O U N D 22
    JUDGEMENT has minor cuts and bruises on his body!
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    The Enforcer picks JUDGEMENT up with one hand and smashes him into the sands for not fighting! (+47 Damage)
    R O U N D 23
    The crowd hurls insults and sharp objects at JUDGEMENT as he stands around doing nothing! (+55 Damage)
    R O U N D 24
    E N D O F M I N U T E 4
    CAINEDESOULIS is the favorite right now!
    R O U N D 25
    The Enforcer picks JUDGEMENT up with one hand and smashes him into the sands for not fighting! (+69 Damage)
    R O U N D 26
    CAINEDESOULIS sizes up his adversary before taking action.
    JUDGEMENT kicks CAINEDESOULIS in the chest knocking him out of striking range! (-Create Distance-)
    R O U N D 27
    R O U N D 28
    The crowd hurls insults and sharp objects at JUDGEMENT as he stands around doing nothing! (+304 Damage)
    R O U N D 29
    R O U N D 30
    E N D O F M I N U T E 5
    CAINEDESOULIS looks to be ahead as of now!
    R O U N D 31
    CAINEDESOULIS pauses to conserve energy.
    CAINEDESOULIS swings his DREAMWOOD BATTLE FLAIL with deadly force.
    CAINEDESOULIS roars uncontrollably as he attacks! (-Rampage-)
    With vicious power JUDGEMENT's sternum is shattered on impact exciting the crowd so much small children are trampled in the excitement! (+1017 Damage)
    CAINEDESOULIS should have spent more time running laps.
    JUDGEMENT has some pretty nasty cuts and bruises on his body!!
    JUDGEMENT looks to cripple his opponent.
    JUDGEMENT looks to hamstring CAINEDESOULIS! (-Hamstring-)
    Hard crushing blow breaks CAINEDESOULIS's arm in two! (+178 Damage)

    R O U N D 32
    JUDGEMENT moves quickly around his enemy.
    JUDGEMENT attacks CAINEDESOULIS and tries to wound him.
    Warlike shot to CAINEDESOULIS's knee shatters it and dislocates the that really sucks! (+66 Damage)
    CAINEDESOULIS should really think about taking a break!
    R O U N D 33
    CAINEDESOULIS is no longer affected by Hamstring
    JUDGEMENT whips his SOULWOOD MACE toward CAINEDESOULIS with deadly accuracy.
    JUDGEMENT is aiming at CAINEDESOULIS's shield arm.
    JUDGEMENT tries to knock CAINEDESOULIS down with the force of the blow! (-Barreling Attack-)
    CAINEDESOULIS screams as he gets knocked to the ground by the massive shot!
    CAINEDESOULIS's forearm is totally smashed by the freakish blow! (+233 Damage)
    JUDGEMENT pauses for a moment to catch his breath.
    CAINEDESOULIS looks nearly exhausted!!
    CAINEDESOULIS looks at his body and notices he has taken a few hits!
    R O U N D 34
    CAINEDESOULIS gets stepped on as he tries to stand!
    CAINEDESOULIS readies a strike from the ground.
    JUDGEMENT's shoulder is smashed into a thousand pieces! (+251 Damage)

    JUDGEMENT tries to give up!!!
    JUDGEMENT lets forth the roar of a lion and prepares to leave it all on the sands! (-Last Stand-)
    JUDGEMENT springs hurriedly to and fro.
    Wicked hit destroys CAINEDESOULIS's collarbone sending shards of bone flying everywhere! (+190 Damage)

    Resisted Can Not Defend Effect!
    CAINEDESOULIS is gasping for air and finding it hard to stand!!!
    CAINEDESOULIS is bleeding from multiple flesh wounds!!
    JUDGEMENT dances hurriedly back and forth.
    JUDGEMENT's SOULWOOD MACE hurtles at CAINEDESOULIS with uncontrolled power.
    JUDGEMENT is aiming at CAINEDESOULIS's shield arm.
    CAINEDESOULIS's shoulder is smashed into a thousand pieces! (+207 Damage)

    R O U N D 35
    CAINEDESOULIS almost gets up onto his feet, but gets kicked back down!
    JUDGEMENT aims for CAINEDESOULIS's off-hand.
    JUDGEMENT looks to hamstring CAINEDESOULIS! (-Hamstring-)
    JUDGEMENT lands a strike on CAINEDESOULIS's tricep inflicting exceptional injuries! (+77 Damage)
    CAINEDESOULIS is pleading with the Enforcer to spare his life!!!
    CAINEDESOULIS lets forth the roar of a lion and prepares to leave it all on the sands! (-Last Stand-)
    CAINEDESOULIS moves around on the ground looking for an opening to strike.
    CAINEDESOULIS decisively attacks with his DREAMWOOD BATTLE FLAIL.
    JUDGEMENT's shield moves quickly to intercept the bulk of CAINEDESOULIS's flailing attack!
    Towering shot to JUDGEMENT's groin rearranges anatomy and disconnects the plumbing! (+274 Damage)

    CAINEDESOULIS brings his weapon down only to be blocked by the Enforcer!
    The victor is showered in cheers!
    The fight lasted 5 minutes & 35 seconds!


    if anyone else is stuck on this jerk try to use as little stamina as possible in he is moderately injured

    that last shot i had 0 stamina left.

    yay i get to fight apocalypse tomo ^_^
    Last edited by CaineDeSoulis; 09-04-2011 at 01:57 AM. Reason: awesomeness
    Stable: Zombie

    This is the Refer a Freind program link if you would like to be recruited by me please click this link. If you need any advice on gladiator management feel free to message me through the forums or my Stable "Zombie" in game and i will help as much as i can. Thank You ^_^

    CaineDeSoulis: Primus Champion
    Prey: Undisputed Primus Champion
    Tourach:Primus Contender
    Sedris: Lord of Death

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