Finally today Ormgar can use the most prestigious title so far in the arena.
After 17 straight wins, the last 7 as #1 ranked gladiator, he is now the new undisputed pit lord champion. His last loss was against our former champion Solstice on day 527.
Kaos you need to take away the i dont wanna die mentality on Solstice, looks like he got some deal with the arena master to stop the fights early. Solstice had more than 300hp when he was stopped in our last 2 fights.
Nice challenge from anger rising, kept me on my toes the entire fight, but once again last stand did some magic for 1 of my boys. Kaos dont just talk about last stand, grab it and use it as your own skill. We cant let the ragers get away with useing all the best skills themselves.