that blood drunk combined with last stand are the likely culprit of the "obscene" Hits you are describing.
No, not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about when a Rage is taking the beat down, has 20% of his life, while the opponent has 75% or more of his health, and suddenly Last Stand kicks in and he drops 3 consecutive bombs out of nowhere, don't tell me you don't notice it..I see it all the time.
Blood drunk only works when the opponent is at 1/3 of his health, not 75% or 50%% or even 34%.

Anyway's whatever, if that's what it takes for a Rage to win, so be it, you guys gotta get your wins in somehow.

I see how you both get your panties all sticky whenever you beat a Team Kaos gladiator, running around the house with your tighty whities all bunch up in your rear after reading the am fights. Apparently, you must feel inferior to the Kaos gladiators to get so ramped up.

As always I look forward to tonight's gore.

Actually, it's the biggest compliment you guys can pay me, I guess I would feel like a run of the mill manager if there was no topic of conversation about my stable.