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Thread: Block rank.

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  1. #1
    Training Dummy Silverwing's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014

    Block rank.

    Hello guys. What exactly Block Rank does? Does it affect only defensive glads, or also offensive ones? And also that Extra Armor achievement that gives "Extra Armour Rank", what exactly it does? For example its gives like +500 armor to each piece of armor? Like if i get hit lets say on weapon arm and it starting calculating the damage i receive. It goes like 150 armor on armor piece (weapon arm) + 500 armor? And that goes to each one piece of armor?
    Blood and Mayhem!

  2. #2
    Free Citizen Smallz's Avatar
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    Aug 2020
    good Morning,

    block rank adds a secondary chance to block on top of what your defense provides. So, lets say you defense is checked for a block, and if fails, then your block rank is checked and it passes, you get the block, think of it as an extra little bit ontop of your defense.

    as for the extra armor, I am have delved into that much because its annoying to get those achievments for high extra armor. But, from what i can tell it goes into the check to see if your armor deflects the blow or not.

    Apexii would be the better person to answer this as he has and does use these achievments. He is usually lurking around somwhere might take him a couple days to see this.

    defensive glads are interesting and if done right can be very good. otherwise, they are just cannon fodder for agressive styles like slayers/rages and bleed theatrics, and stam drainers.

    block rank does work on both defensive and offensive as well as mixes glads, aka wall of steel and whirlwinds.

    Hope i answered a couple questions, even though I couldnt help with all of them
    The Small One, Manager of the Legendary Crew

  3. #3
    Training Dummy Silverwing's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jul 2014
    I see! You helped a lot, thanks. Playing this game for over 8 years and still have all those questions! xD
    Blood and Mayhem!

  4. #4
    Aspiring Master Aphexii's Avatar
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    Block Rank should increase your chance to Deflect an attack. As it goes, heavy armor has the highest inherit Block chance (roughly 20%). It does little on light armor, my shadow had at some point 847 Block Rank and it did way less than just a basic heavy armor set would do without any Block Rank.... (rages with "heavy scarring" could profit from Block Rank)

    I did 11 rounds of gauntlet with my war glad solo vs the same team. Did some number crunching (probably messed up basic math).

    As we see average Deflect is 25% and Block 10%, which should be boosted by all the war skills (374 Block Rank can't be 10% for all other specs, that would be broken. My guess is that all the war skills add 5% to Deflect and "additional 5% to Block Rank itself", because as I said my shadow had over 800 Block Rank and it was nowhere near 15% Block in his fights.
    So other skills which directly mention "Deflection" should/could boost Block Rank itself by some value.

    Armor Rank , as I understand it just increases your flat damage reduction from your armor. My war has 1402 armor with full heavy armor set and adding Armor Rank to the set does not change the armor values in the equipment window. (Extra Damage Rank does visibly change your weapon damage)
    So we could conclude that Armor Rank is just a hard addition of armor, at max +1000 armor which is almost a full heavy armor set.
    (good to have, but nothing to fully commit for)

    Example: 270 armor on arm + 440 armor for both legs = 710 armor
    Example: 270 armor on arm + 440 armor for both legs + 200 Armor Rank = 910 armor

    Extensive tests are needed here.

    Hope I didn't mess up to much with my humble math have a bad feeling tho :O

  5. #5
    Free Citizen Smallz's Avatar
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    Aug 2020
    Quote Originally Posted by Aphexii View Post

    Block Rank should increase your chance to Deflect an attack. As it goes, heavy armor has the highest inherit Block chance (roughly 20%). It does little on light armor, my shadow had at some point 847 Block Rank and it did way less than just a basic heavy armor set would do without any Block Rank.... (rages with "heavy scarring" could profit from Block Rank)

    I did 11 rounds of gauntlet with my war glad solo vs the same team. Did some number crunching (probably messed up basic math).

    As we see average Deflect is 25% and Block 10%, which should be boosted by all the war skills (374 Block Rank can't be 10% for all other specs, that would be broken. My guess is that all the war skills add 5% to Deflect and "additional 5% to Block Rank itself", because as I said my shadow had over 800 Block Rank and it was nowhere near 15% Block in his fights.
    So other skills which directly mention "Deflection" should/could boost Block Rank itself by some value.

    Armor Rank , as I understand it just increases your flat damage reduction from your armor. My war has 1402 armor with full heavy armor set and adding Armor Rank to the set does not change the armor values in the equipment window. (Extra Damage Rank does visibly change your weapon damage)
    So we could conclude that Armor Rank is just a hard addition of armor, at max +1000 armor which is almost a full heavy armor set.
    (good to have, but nothing to fully commit for)

    Example: 270 armor on arm + 440 armor for both legs = 710 armor
    Example: 270 armor on arm + 440 armor for both legs + 200 Armor Rank = 910 armor

    Extensive tests are needed here.

    Hope I didn't mess up to much with my humble math have a bad feeling tho :O

    this is what i ment when i said add to block chance. Reading back i was not super clear on that.

    I also am of the assumption that armor rank is a flat damage reduction after a successful hit is made.

    I have noticed that running tank on warrior increases the blocks and armor absorption messaging noticably, as i tend to do it when my wars are knocked down. So, this leads me to beleive that rank gives a substancial block/absorb/parry bonus.

    Math looks good, thanks for great insight as always.
    The Small One, Manager of the Legendary Crew

  6. #6
    Training Dummy Silverwing's Avatar
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    Jul 2014
    Wow! You did a lot of work there! hmmm i get it. So, overal Block Rank could help all glads, but it won't go near a defensive glad, like a full heavy armor war, or a glad that is already using a defensive style. Your math looks good, your example was great and you did a good work! thanks a lot!
    Blood and Mayhem!

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