As we are still in dire need of an "Slayer Blood Gods High Commander", we have to know what weird builds are somewhat viable. Like some other specialty 0/100/0 is not necessarily the best option.
Since I got 4 slayer at the moment, most reached the primus bracket, it's time to weed out the weak builds. (focus on agi as the main stat)
First we have the "most" defensive build I can think of.
20/40/40 Vanish fake Juggernaut:
Shadow skills: Unnatural Agility and Weapon Finesse (Sixth Sense may be switched with Weapon Finesse)
Slayer skills: Weapon Skill, Weak Spot, Mystic Markings and Blood Bath
Trixster skills: Cheap Shot, Shank, Unseen Strike are needed for Vanish
Using the only defensive skills available for slayers are Vanish and Juggernaut, so obviously we pick Vanish and use lvl 2 Juggernaut to equip heavy armor and unlearn it again.
Blood Bath becomes our main damage source as we " maybe should" last a bit longer in fights. This build depends on consistency so we use Lunge/Slash/Bash to trigger Vanish as often as we can. Dunder, Human, Spite and Elaar could be a solid choice for this.
If a full set of heavy armor without Armor Movement is inferior to the 4/1 heavy/medium armor combo with Armor Movement we have to substitute the torso with medium armor and pick Armor Movement, dropping Weapon finesse. (until someone will actually test it, we have to guess)
As of right now this build is a bit lackluster and the weakest I tried. But!! as always this can change with full orange gear and I honestly expect it to be true here. (I run this build with Armor Movement and without Blood Bath right now for lazy reasons, don't want to relearn the howl slayer tree twice just to test it with low quality gear)
40/40/20 Injury fake Juggernaut:
Shadow skills: Unnatural Agility, Keen Eye, Weapon Finesse and Sixth Sense
Slayer skills: Weapon Skill, Weak Spot, Mystic Markings, Blood Bath
Trixster skills: Cheap Shot and Shank
The idea is to rely solely on injury damage so the whole build revolves around Keen Eye, Mystic Markings and Shank paired with the nice combo of Weak Spot and Cheap Shot.
After an injury is created we make use of the additional damage which has all sorts of benefits. Fast 1h weapons are recommended for a better chance to create more injuries. Full heavy armor for slightly more durability, we don't really need the speed advantage. This build is right now fairly mediocreagain with better gear and stats this should start to produce those sweet injuries more frequent and to an extend a very injured opponent tends to die more often. So this is our potential "killer" build.
Weak Spot and Cheap Shot ensure an almost 100% trigger rate each round and serve basically as enhanced auto attacks, one does good damage and the other is like Feint and provides extra hit chance. I used this mini combo in the past and was very happy with it.
Dunder, Spite, Human or Snivler can be a beneficial race for this build.
Don't have any specific weapon recommendation besides 1h swords or exotics. Dual Gladius should be the best option or dual Whips for some shenanigans.
(This build right now is as the above without heavy armor and is missing Cheap Shot which is substituted with Armor Movement, this will also change with full orange gear. Dual whips are and will be the first choice here)
40/60/0 Initiative Slayer:
Shadow skills: Unnatural Agility, Sixth Sense, Weapon Finesse and Blazing Speed (Keen Eye serves no purpose here)
Slayer skills: Weapon Skill, Weak Spot, Mystic Markings, First Strike, Vital Strike and Armor Movement
This build is inspired by "Hells Judge" as his standard hybrid slayer build (30/70/0) with 1h weapons was fairly fast and did impressive damage.
The idea is very basic, be faster than everyone else and cripple the opponent.
Right out of the gate, yes Blazing Speed and First Strike! both are needed. Blazing Speed has more quality to it, but the first hit in a fight has sometimes devastating consequences and sometimes some opponents are slightly faster or fellow slayer with First Strike. So yes we need both skills and with Vital Strike they form the foundation of this build. Only downside, we have to target the legs to get the Agi debuff from Vital Strike. This build also uses only medium armor and a Snivler race is recommended.
Looks like a weak build to begin with, but this is the most dominant out of all my slayer attempts (considering only primus performance, blood gods performance may change drastically)
Nothing special just two damage skill in Weak Spot and Vital Strike, but the sheer number of hits should give us enough damage and/or enough initiativ suppression against opponents to control the fight. (heavy armored opponents may pose a serious threat)
Dual Gladius is commended as they have by far the best speed/damage ratio, one could opt for gladius/dagger or dual dagger if more speed is needed and damage/deflection is no concern.
Note: The main damage source for most slayer is Weak Spot hence Eviscerate is not crucial to every build.
There are far more builds out there so feel free to post your thoughts.