What do we got after almost two full seasons?

4 slayer with a hybrid heavy/medium armor combination: our OG "Blood Zombie" and his minions "Mojito" , "Sentinel Regis" , "Oren Giantsbane".

A very convenient split between two standard 30/70/0 slayer, one with 4/5 heavy armor pieces and one with 3/5 heavy armor pieces. (torso is always medium armor, only the legs change)
And two flurry specs 0/100/0, again one with 4/5 heavy armor pieces and one with 3/5 heavy armor pieces. (torso is always medium armor, only the legs change)

All four are already capable top 10 candidates, which is a good sign.

All four have quite similar stats: (Sentinel Regis is still in the process of changing skills, but it seems he will stick to "Flurry of Steel")
Sentinel Regis / Blood Zombie / Oren Giantsbane / Mojito

Str: 267 / 258 / 84 / 102
Int: 109 / 102 / 116 / 127
Agi: 92 / 93 / 276 / 275
Stm: 194 / 183 / 206 / 172
Size: 117 / 120 / 96 / 102
Pres: 129 / 216 / 216 / 85
Chi: 226 / 217 / 188 / 159

The only significant differences are Int/Size and Pres/Chi, Int/Size is linked to your build and amount of heavy armor. (4/5 heavy have lower Int and higher Size)
Pres/Chi illustrates the core approach from each stable master. Usually Chi is favored over Pres.

I cant speak for the other guys, but my idea for Pres/Chi is quit simple. Chi => more and bigger Crits , Pres as low as possible to stay longer in the fight (Mojito often prolongs the fight 2 extra rounds in which the "Blood Bath" dot does the most important work or the higher Pres from the opponent forces them to quit unnecessarily early. This backfires of course in lower initiative best observed vs Theatrics and more deaths than the usual glad will experience)

For a flurry slayer Int has to be somewhat higher, ~125 Int works best to trigger all skills reliably often, under 125 you won't trigger "Flurry of Steel" as often and everything above 130 does nothing noticeable (had 150 Int for some weeks). All those "missing" stat points are substituted by a higher "Crit Rank" from armor skills. The core of a flurry slayer should still be a fast cluster of very big crits to end the fight in one go, especially good vs trixster who can't handle so much damage in one round.
The common "Eviscerate" is ~900 dmg, sometimes ~1400dmg if some skills trigger. 900 dmg is to be honest low damage output for such skill. Armor skill may be helpful, extra damage, crit rank, armor penetration, etc...

Regarding match ups:
It's the usual, "Weak Spot" as the main damage output, hoping for a "Blood Bath" in between and "Eviscerate" for good measure. Additionally "Flurry of Steel" as an opener is appreciated.
The worst match up is vs War glads. They seem to have a big initiative advantage over any slayer with heavy armor without "Juggernaut". All other match ups are relative fair.