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  1. #1
    Free Citizen Smallz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2020

    Found this Amusing.. Kill messaging

    TYPHUS LL raises his DREAMWOOD WAR HAMMER overhead and makes a devastating attack.
    A serious injury is hit and magnifies the damage!
    A 360 degree spin move drives the weapon into FONZE's ribs cracking several of them and sends a few into the! (+256 Damage)

    FONZE is suddenly engulfed in white-hot flames, turning him into a screaming torch! (-Kill-)

    TYPHUS LL kicks FONZE in the head right before ripping it off and adding it to his collection!

    The Small One, Manager of the Legendary Crew

  2. #2
    'Kill Rank' buff on your gear in action

  3. #3
    Free Citizen Smallz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    THE MERCENARY's head may never be the same!!! *** Serious Injury ***
    THE MERCENARY can't take much more of this beating!!!

    The Blood Gods themselves force TYPHUS LL's weapon into the flesh of the unworthy THE MERCENARY! (-Kill-)

    TYPHUS LL laughs at THE MERCENARY as he cries 'mommy' one last time!
    The Small One, Manager of the Legendary Crew

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