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  1. #11
    Free Citizen Smallz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    TARRA whips around with her off hand.
    TARRA moves towards GUT THRASHER and attempts to strike her enemy.
    Grazing slash to GUT THRASHER's face. (+45 Damage)
    GUT THRASHER crumples to the ground unconscious! (-Knockout-)
    *** GUT THRASHER is taking a dirt nap after being knocked out! ***

    So gratifying to finally get a knock out on this guy, hes a pain 8n my side

  2. #12
    Congratz - for defeating the Underbelly too :-)

  3. #13
    Free Citizen Smallz's Avatar
    Join Date
    Aug 2020
    yeah, also going to add lemon Drop and Pesky Mosquito to the list of really good knockout, i took mad queen, pesky and lemon along with tarra(my knockout) and it was very fast and easy lol,



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