What do you think about having a tournament where we fight against a team of gladiators that are managed by Nate? That would give Nate a chance to play this game that he's put so much time into creating. I'd enjoy the challenge of seeing if we can devise strategies that could beat glads that Nate actively manages during the rounds of the tournament. Even if he might have some advantages due to his knowledge of the game code, there's a lot of luck and strategy involved that can't be easily anticipated.

My main thought is I imagine Nate created this game because he likes playing this genre so much himself. So it is a shame that he doesn't play.

I for one have no problem with him running a team for a special tournament (or even in the game for that matter). Let's see if his knowledge actually translates into effective gladiator management.

Maybe a 2 week long 2 fight per day tournament. Top 23 glads plus Nate's 5 get in. Each glad fights each glad once. Best record at the end wins.

To make it fair, perhaps we could allow Nate a team of five level 55 glads that he can create using up to 100 random glad rollups (equivalent to the old HOL glads before the boost). He can outfit them with any gear using 25 blacksmith refreshes on each glad.

Anyone else want to try this? Or have better ideas how to get Nate involved in playing this game with us?