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  1. #1
    Elite Master Adoede's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jan 2014

    Trixter Skills

    In case anyone hasn't seen the Trixter skills yet:

    Blades, Axe/Mace, Exotic

    Cheap Shot (Int, Agi, Pres) – Activated (Offense) - Playing by the rules is for suckers and saints, your gladiator is neither! It’ll be hard to use defensive skills when the attack is unexpected!

    Shank (Int, Agi) – Activated (Offense) – Your gladiator will get in close and ram a cruel piece of iron deep into their enemy. Done right and their doctor will have plenty of injuries to heal!

    Dirty Tricks (T)(Int, Agi, Pres) – Activated (Defensive) – Why have your gladiator fight fair when they can fight dirty? Winning is all that matters anyway right? Your gladiator will stop their opponent in his tracks and blind them with a shower of sand and other goodies to the face!

    Unseen Strike (Int, Agi) – Activated (Offense) – Always looking to attack out of nowhere, your gladiator will use their unique ability to strike out at hidden and near impossible angles!
    Foul Play (Int, Agi, Pres) – Activated (Offense) - Is it really foul play if it wins you the match? Your gladiator will sneak “interesting” liquids and powders into the arena and expertly unleash them on their enemies when the time is right. Enjoy watching your gladiator’s opponent labor with each breath as the toxins course through their viens!

    Armor Movement

    Taunt – (T) (Int, Pres) – Passive – Jokes, insults, witty comments, physical comedy – your gladiator has them all! It’ll be hard for your gladiator’s opponent to attack and defend effectively when frustrated and all the arena is laughing at them!

    Vanish (Int, Pres, Chi) – Activated (Defensive) – Your gladiator will disappear in a puff of smoke leaving their enemy swinging at nothing…and possibly leaving them open to an unseen attack

    Trick Shot (T) (Str, Int, Pres) – Activated (Offense) – A swift hit to the right place can bring down the mightiest of gladiators! Laugh and smirk as the power to do harm drains out from your gladiator’s opponent!

    Feign Weakness (T) (Int, Pres) – Passive – If the Great Realm had a trophy for best actor in a gladiatorial play, your gladiator would surely win! Pretending to be weak and favoring one leg or arm over the other, whimpering, begging for mercy, your gladiator knows all the tricks to get their enemy to lower their guard and forego using fancy attacks and skills when they can easily bring your gladiator six feet down with little effort!


    Unfair Advantage (T) (Int, Pres, Chi) – Activated (Defensive) – With a series of moves and tricks, your gladiator knows how to confuse and confound! When the opponent is flustered and unsure of what just happened, your gladiator will have already stolen some of his attacks and be in the process of unleashing them!

    Cheating Bastard (T) (Int, Pres) – Passive – A master Trixter has accumulated a number of tricks to turn the tide in any fight and has learned one of the best ways to ensure a victory is to cheat! A hidden vial here, a powder filled pouch there…at the end of each round your gladiator will make sure their health and endurance don’t fall prey to the natural path of decline that the other chumps on the sands suffer from!

    Offensive: Cheap Shot, Shank, Unseen Strike, Foul Play, Trick Shot, Entangle
    Defensive: Dirty Tricks, Vanish, Unfair Advantage
    Passive: Blades, Axe/Mace, Exotic, Armor Movement, Taunt, Feign Weakness, Cheating Bastard
    Last edited by Adoede; 10-30-2016 at 04:25 PM.

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