View Poll Results: are fast shields better for defensiv theatrics?

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  • Buckler

    1 25.00%
  • Kiteshield

    1 25.00%
  • Wallshield

    2 50.00%
  • no shield at all @_@

    1 25.00%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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  1. #1
    Aspiring Master Aphexii's Avatar
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    Feb 2016

    better parry with small shield?

    Hi guys, im using a defensiv theatric with an axe and shield with mainly parry bash (only counter attackiert for defensiv wars) and she does a great job despite her average stats and armor. Barbrastreisand is her name, trug race. Most of the time she used a big shield because i thought more def is better, but i tested the small buckler some days ago and got somewhat better results. Surprise ending triggered unusually often in many fights with just one round cooldown resulting in 2-3 triggers in a 8 round fight.
    So my question is does the buckler (small shield) a better job at parrying than his bigger versions? They must have some purpose other than be lighter or faster. Maybe defensiv theatrics are better with fast shields seeing that agi is the main attribute. I read all shield related posts and defensiv posts and find no Information about small shields vs big shields in regards to parry Performance.

    Maybe im blind and there is allready a thread for that matter.

    Im happy and glad for every answer.

  2. #2
    Elite Master Adoede's Avatar
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    Jan 2014
    Interesting thread - I don't think anyone has really analyzed which shields are more effective. If the small buckler gives more frequent surprise ending, then it may be better. I want to say that bucklers tend to be more effective against speedy and light weapons because they can parry more attacks. But against heavier weapons the greater damage absorbing ability of the Wall-shield seems more effective.

    Either way, I voted for no shields because in blood gods you've got to be able to defeat the elite tanks in the game or you will never rise higher than 2nd tier. If using a shield reduces your offensive prowess against the tanks, you won't be able to break into the top. I've yet to see a defensive theatrics defeat an elite tank consistently...or even occasionally...or even once in the last six months. Maybe I'll try it out someday...might be possible with the right gear and ranks.
    Adoede | Tevrosin

  3. #3
    Elite Master Kreegan's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Bucklers are underused so it's hard to tell how well they really perform. In the pre-Blood Gods part of the game the gladiators with Bucklers seem to be performing so-so, while in Blood Gods all defensive Wars are about armour deflections + massive Block rank, shields are used mostly to reduce damage, not so much for parries (not that anyone would object against an occasional successful parry) - hence why big shields are preferred.

  4. #4
    Elite Master oedi's Avatar
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    Jan 2011
    I have a defensive theatrics in blood gods called Lesser Evil, after an extensive trial period im currently using a Wall shield but im not absolutly sure its best. I know i finally got the strats right as shes running great records in the pit fights so now its time to get the right set of equipment.
    Either way, I voted for no shields because in blood gods you've got to be able to defeat the elite tanks
    Lesser Evil is constanly beating the best tanks in the pit fights, she basically just need more endurance to be able to beat them in blood gods also.

    example of pit fight vs 1122
    Last edited by oedi; 05-06-2016 at 11:08 AM.
    (Briteron_by), Theatrics, imperial guards, (subjects), MOTU

    Manager since December 2010.

  5. #5
    Elite Master Adoede's Avatar
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    Jan 2014
    I've guys who also do well against the elite tanks in the pit fights...but those pit fights don't take into consideration the 750+ block ranks of the real blood gods tanks. In a real blood gods fight, I can hardly get in a hit.

    I wish there was a version of fighting pits where you could match up against fully outfitted glads for practice. Maybe something like a Training pit where you can spar with your stablemates or people on your friends list?
    Adoede | Tevrosin

  6. #6
    Aspiring Master Aphexii's Avatar
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    Feb 2016
    Wow thanks for the input guys I think now I need a long testing period, hopefully soon some bloodgods results. And some observation of lesser evil. If the testing ends with positiv results I will post it, if someone wants it xD

  7. #7
    Elite Master Kreegan's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Yeah, the Pits aren't showing how a gladiator will behave in Blood Gods at all. Equipment is random and in all cases vastly inferior to what a fighter will have in Blood Gods. Bleeders suck vs. high tier tanks and it's been like that ever since Nate buffed the heavy armour to reduce bleeding significantly when used defensively. Endurance win is pretty much impossible too.

  8. #8
    Veteran Master weaw's Avatar
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    May 2013
    are fast shields better for defensiv theatrics?
    In my opinion:
    1. Parry depends on Defense. It seems, it's true. Wall gives high Defense buff, Kite -- average, Buckler -- low.
    2. Pure defensive Theatrics strategy have a good chance only vs few of the builds. Perhaps, it's just one "build" : Speed Theatric. So, we need consider shield as offensive weapon. From time to time. Buckler is very bad offensive weapon: no damage, no bleeding, no crits.

    Kite and Wall variants are usable, i think. The choice depends on Offense/Defense balance which we like to have. The main weapon also effect this choice.
    Last edited by weaw; 05-07-2016 at 02:15 AM.

  9. #9
    Veteran Master weaw's Avatar
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    May 2013
    By the way. No one knows why Defense buff from a shield is not described on equipment page?

    I think, it's not a bug. So, if i'm not mistaken, it means, every shield has Defense "potential", but not a direct buff...

  10. #10
    Veteran Master weaw's Avatar
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    May 2013
    My first thought here: We have few of the skills in the different trees which lower opponents Defense. Rage, Shadow trees.
    But also (it's just intuitive) perhaps, we have other factors to lower abilities of a shield-user.

    // Sorry for multi-posting. Just trying to think, it's not an easy process. :)

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