
I fought Raxxas in the black market pit fights today and did not attempt any hits. Anyone know why this happened?

The fight lasted 19 rounds. My glad is a 2H War has a level 10 Weapons skill and is using Activity 10 Slash.
I've only been playing for a few weeks, so this might happen occasional and I've just not seen it before.

R O U N D 1
RAXXAS races right at her adversary.
RAXXAS stumbles but swings her BEATEN STABBER anyway.
The blow lands on CORNSILK's jaw with pathetic force. (+2 Damage)
RAXXAS swings her BEATEN STABBER wildly through the air.
Tap to the arm pricks some interest but not a lot else. (+2 Damage)
RAXXAS uses her BEATEN STABBER to make a poorly planned attack.
The blow lands on CORNSILK's shoulder blade with little force. (+5 Damage)
RAXXAS whirls like wild fire around CORNSILK.
RAXXAS sneaks in an off handed strike.
RAXXAS attempts to strike CORNSILK with her CRUDE KRIS.
Women in the audience giggle at the trivial hit to CORNSILK's Achilles tendon. (+2 Damage)
R O U N D 2
RAXXAS pelts frantically around the arena.
RAXXAS stumbles but swings her CRUDE KRIS anyway.
RAXXAS's attack lands on CORNSILK's armpit causing weak wounds. (+1 Damage)
RAXXAS flashes right at her enemy.
RAXXAS nearly hits herself with her BEATEN STABBER.
An unimpressive injury occurs on CORNSILK's forearm. (+1 Damage)
R O U N D 3
RAXXAS tries to slice off a few pounds with her BEATEN STABBER.
The sight of blood cheers the fans as the blow hits CORNSILK in the shoulder blade! (+27 Damage)

RAXXAS makes an off handed attack.
RAXXAS stumbles but swings her CRUDE KRIS anyway.
Tap to the arm pricks some interest but not a lot else. (+1 Damage)
RAXXAS makes a poorly timed strike with her CRUDE KRIS.
Sparks fly as CORNSILK's armour deflects the strike!
R O U N D 4
RAXXAS dances and hops around her opponent.
RAXXAS sneaks in an off handed strike.
RAXXAS nearly falls as she attacks with her CRUDE KRIS.
Blow slides along the ribs, probably tickles. (+1 Damage)
RAXXAS takes a step back to catch a quick breather.
R O U N D 5
CORNSILK is becoming noticeably weaker from blood loss!!!
RAXXAS runs madly around her adversary.
RAXXAS looks to an off handed strike to deal damage.
RAXXAS slips as she charges forward.
CORNSILK's armour protects her!
CORNSILK pauses for a moment to catch her breath.
R O U N D 6
CORNSILK is becoming noticeably weaker from blood loss!!!
RAXXAS makes an off handed attack.
RAXXAS charges at CORNSILK and looks to skewer her opponent.
The attack to the butt proves to be very ineffective. (+1 Damage)
RAXXAS makes a slashing attack.
Awkward slash to CORNSILK's stomach. Everyone needs another belly button. (+2 Damage)
E N D O F M I N U T E 1
RAXXAS looks to be ahead as of now!
R O U N D 7
RAXXAS looks to an off handed strike to deal damage.
RAXXAS makes a clumsy attack with her CRUDE KRIS.
Light shot to the gut, it's almost laughable. (+1 Damage)
RAXXAS moves with uncontrolled energy around the arena.
RAXXAS whips around with her off hand.
RAXXAS lashes out with her CRUDE KRIS, but her attack is poorly timed.
Blow raises a welt on the arm. Crossing slash to CORNSILK's chest raises the attention level as well. (+1 Damage)
R O U N D 8
CORNSILK has taken some slight damage from this fight!
RAXXAS stumbles but swings her CRUDE KRIS anyway.
Shot glances off CORNSILK's hip. (+11 Damage)
R O U N D 9
RAXXAS whirls like wild fire back and forth.
RAXXAS charges at CORNSILK and attempts to spear her.
The attack to the abdomen proves to be very ineffective. (+2 Damage)
RAXXAS charges around as if on fire.
RAXXAS makes a novice attack with her BEATEN STABBER.
RAXXAS aims for CORNSILK's torso
Thrust glances off CORNSILK's foot. (+22 Damage)
RAXXAS should have spent more time running laps.
RAXXAS slips as she charges forward.
RAXXAS roars as she tries to force CORNSILK into the sand with a vigorous swing! (-Barreling Attack-)
Resisted Knock Down Effect!
RAXXAS makes a clumsy strike with her CRUDE KRIS.
RAXXAS's face scowls as CORNSILK's armour does its job!
CORNSILK should have spent more time running laps.
R O U N D 10
RAXXAS moves towards CORNSILK and seeks to kill her.
The blow lands on CORNSILK's hand with pitiful force. (+17 Damage)
R O U N D 11
Blood continues to pour from CORNSILK's body!!!
RAXXAS tries to maul her opponent.
The attack to the abdomen proves to be very ineffective. (+1 Damage)
RAXXAS dashes right at her adversary.
RAXXAS tries to cut CORNSILK.
Trifling slash to chest removes several hairs...smooth is sexy. (+5 Damage)
R O U N D 12
CORNSILK is becoming noticeably weaker from blood loss!!!
RAXXAS looks at the crowd as she runs around the battle field.
RAXXAS swings her CRUDE KRIS nearly falling over in the process.
RAXXAS misses badly and works to regain her balance.
RAXXAS speeds madly to and fro.
RAXXAS makes a clumsy attempt to smash CORNSILK.
The strike merely grazes the defender's torso. (+1 Damage)
RAXXAS should really think about taking a break!
E N D O F M I N U T E 2
RAXXAS looks to be ahead as of now!
R O U N D 13
CORNSILK has a lot of wounds on her body!!
RAXXAS moves and springs around her adversary.
RAXXAS seeks to bash CORNSILK.
Light strike to the abdomen does little. (+2 Damage)
RAXXAS slashes about.
Women in the audience giggle at the minor hit to CORNSILK's collarbone. (+3 Damage)
R O U N D 14
RAXXAS makes a high arcing slash.
RAXXAS aims for CORNSILK's torso
RAXXAS goes for CORNSILK's lower back and connects with her BEATEN STABBER creating pitiful injuries. (+17 Damage)
CORNSILK tiring quickly, is looking to finish the fight!
RAXXAS makes a poorly timed strike with her BEATEN STABBER.
Weak slash to the upper back. (+2 Damage)
RAXXAS makes an awkward strike with her BEATEN STABBER.
Light shot to the gut, it's almost laughable. (+2 Damage)
R O U N D 15
CORNSILK's wounds continue to bleed!!!
R O U N D 16
CORNSILK is becoming noticeably weaker from blood loss!!!
R O U N D 17
CORNSILK is pleading with the Enforcer to spare her life!!!
RAXXAS swings her CRUDE KRIS nearly losing her balance.
Light strike to the abdomen does little. (+1 Damage)
RAXXAS looks nearly exhausted!!
RAXXAS makes a slashing attack with her BEATEN STABBER.
RAXXAS aims for CORNSILK's torso
Weak slash across chest...slightly less painful than heartburn. (+3 Damage)
R O U N D 18
RAXXAS dashes like wild fire around her opponent.
RAXXAS tries to maim her enemy.
RAXXAS's face scowls as CORNSILK's armour does its job!
CORNSILK looks nearly exhausted!!
E N D O F M I N U T E 3
RAXXAS looks to be winning the fight so far!
R O U N D 19
CORNSILK begins to plea for her worthless life and after a moment of thought RAXXAS spits on the pitiful fool and walks away!
Jimmy the Squid makes a few extra notes.
The fight lasted 3 minutes & 11 seconds!
Cornsilk wasn't up to the challenge and is dragged off the bloodied sands!