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>>Player Guide Compendium<<
Stable: Team Win
Official Team Song: Dethklok - Face Fisted
Gladiators on Note: Ahhnold, Bruce Iee, Duke Nukem, Bruce Willis, Wargh, Kharn
Yeah, i know for the plans,i know it takes times, that's what i like, just i have the impression doing anything when i hit a skill lvl 9, and Isaac can't progress. I know it's just an impression because i do a lot of things beside this. So yeah, i know he's doing kinda great like this, that's why i'll try to change his stuff in one week, right now i'm in the blood games,and i want him to be as a tank, see how it goes. And i run a lot of gauntlets, for the goldand stuff.
Thanks for the tips anyway, i have an idead of what to do now.
I have another question: what is the "endurance" stat? it's like a hiden stamina or something?
Endurance is a spendable resource like health. A gladiator spends some bits of endurance to do an actions, attacks as usual. If endurance pool is empty a gladiator loses the fight.
Some activated attacks may lower an endurance pool of an opponent. Not sure, but probably, some passives may do it too. Some effects may increase consumption of endurance.
The Stamina stat has a relation to endurance. But there are gear/achievements having endurance bonuses directly. Also, Stamina has a relation to gladiators health. And some other relations to game machanic.
Stamina is the primary stat (and almost the only stat :) of every pure Tank, yes.
// The War skills tree contains the skill to replanish both endurance and health. It's Never Say Die.
Last edited by weaw; 10-16-2015 at 10:20 AM.
Thanks for this. i might put an achievement for endurance, just for a test.
Ok, so, there is just a feedback.
This retard was a tank the whole week, did the blood games for Elites, and was #1. I don't know how, but he won.
There is his stats with his stuff i farmed in the gauntlet and pit fight (yes, he was #1 in pit fight too, one day.):
str: 92
int: 57
agi: 73
sta: 98
size: 84
pre: 71
chi: 85
Still dumb af, but take tons of dmgs in his face. He cleaned the Tier 1. It wasn't so hard, but the skull reaver was a big problem for him, so i gave him a second sword and he killed it.
So, i tried it in double swords, but i'm not a fan of it. It's great, and i'm sure he will do great with a medium armor, because he's very very hungry of stamina when he's in "attack" mode. I think i'll let him continue as a tank, he's doing very very well, much better than i tought at the beginning.
Right now he'll challenge the blood games for Champions.
I maxed my sword skill!! finally! So, there are his skills:
Blades -10; Grim determination -8; Master of Arms -4.
I think i'll max master of arms first at 10.
His stratégies are the sames as the previous ones (but now i'm aiming the weapon arm).
He is lvl28, and soon i'll be able to have a third gladiator, and i think i'll do a rage, or a def threatics.
Now i don't think he'll be good in high lv, but maybe, there's still hope for him. And i'm kinda pround he can do this by himself, for a first test glad!
- Isaac.
there's still hope. lots of stamina goes a long way
Glad to hear you've had success. tanking will become much better once MoA is at 8 and above![]()
Do you want to crush your enemies, see them driven before you and to hear the lamentation of their women? Then follow the link below!
>>Player Guide Compendium<<
Stable: Team Win
Official Team Song: Dethklok - Face Fisted
Gladiators on Note: Ahhnold, Bruce Iee, Duke Nukem, Bruce Willis, Wargh, Kharn
Yeah, in a few days, it will be lv 8. I don't know why but i'm glad he can do something good against some "good" glads i saw in the arena/ blood games. Yeah i know it's nothing because it's in low lv's, but for now i'm proud of him.
- Isaac.
It's nice that You had a win of the Blood Game. Ich gratuliere dich.
But there are things You need to keep Your eyes open:
1. Your stable is young.
2. You are the free-player.
Until it's true, You must find the ways to get some game experience to develop Your stable well. It's the primary goal for You now, in my opinion: develop the stable fast and well. And it's not the same thing as a "Develop this War fast and well."
It's the one of the reasons why i tried to push You away a Tank.
Because a Tank's way does not allows You to look at stats, strategies as a more complex things. It's just the Stamina way, for example (it's not the truth exactly, but as the first approximation...). While another builds needs more than only the Stamina...
// Although a Tank's way allows You to reach the HoL requirements relatively fast. You must to know it, too...
As You almost choose the way of Tank (as i can see), i would suggest to read another logs... To have more complex view on the game mechanic.
Good luck!
// And, please, don't try a "def threatics". This just will slows Your development. Because this build is a some sort of out of date build for now.
Yeah i know, i have a speed threatics in my stable too, i'm trying different stuff with it, for strategies and more. This first stable is a test, on how the game works.
But for me, it's a great thing i can do something with my war and my threatics (both doing great actually).