Ok, so, there is just a feedback.

This retard was a tank the whole week, did the blood games for Elites, and was #1. I don't know how, but he won.
There is his stats with his stuff i farmed in the gauntlet and pit fight (yes, he was #1 in pit fight too, one day.):
str: 92
int: 57
agi: 73
sta: 98
size: 84
pre: 71
chi: 85

Still dumb af, but take tons of dmgs in his face. He cleaned the Tier 1. It wasn't so hard, but the skull reaver was a big problem for him, so i gave him a second sword and he killed it.
So, i tried it in double swords, but i'm not a fan of it. It's great, and i'm sure he will do great with a medium armor, because he's very very hungry of stamina when he's in "attack" mode. I think i'll let him continue as a tank, he's doing very very well, much better than i tought at the beginning.
Right now he'll challenge the blood games for Champions.

I maxed my sword skill!! finally! So, there are his skills:
Blades -10; Grim determination -8; Master of Arms -4.
I think i'll max master of arms first at 10.

His stratégies are the sames as the previous ones (but now i'm aiming the weapon arm).
He is lvl28, and soon i'll be able to have a third gladiator, and i think i'll do a rage, or a def threatics.

Now i don't think he'll be good in high lv, but maybe, there's still hope for him . And i'm kinda pround he can do this by himself, for a first test glad!

- Isaac.