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  1. #21
    imo the difference between blood bath and the other skills is that the effect of blood bath lasts forever... and that it stacks! If the effect was like "bleeding: 3 rounds" would it be so fearsome?

    Nate must be gathering the statistics of Slayer battles over a reasonable sample population. If at all it needs to be balanced hopefully he'll do so in next patch.

    But right now I'm eager to get that one perfect Slayer in my squad

  2. #22
    Elite Master Kreegan's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Blood Bath also doesn't seem to care how much damage is dealt or whether the opponent is tanking and completely ignores the bleeding protection rank of the armour.

  3. #23
    Legendary Master Prinny's Avatar
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    Actually Kreegan, the bleeds vary alot, they seem to be higher vs more defensive gladiators than they are against offensive ones. There is most certainly a distinction in it's effectiveness rather than a linear "bleed for x amount" trigger. Wether this is due to activity, blood lust, offensive/defensive strategies or even armour type I simply can't tell asof now.

    also mind you, that battle was still won by 1122

    Those 2 pics were from recent battles aswell and there hasn't been a change in strats etc. in Fenrich between those fights and the screenshot you are showing.

    By no means am I saying the skill isn't op, it's by far one of the strongest skills in the pits but there are quite a few more op skills out there and each gladiator has them, why don't you show what the awesome combination of block rank + create distance did during most of that fight?
    Last edited by Prinny; 07-29-2015 at 04:57 AM.

  4. #24
    Elite Master Kreegan's Avatar
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    Feb 2012
    Blood Bath seems to have damage range (say 250-500 base bleeding for level 10 or something like that), 3 damage resulting in freakin' 462 points of bleeding is just... 1122 is easily one of the most defensive gladiators in Blood Gods, the other two are Rages who spit at the notion of defense. To me it looks like the skill just ignores whatever protection the gladiator might have.

    And seriously, your guy is lvl 51 fighting vs. a lvl 55 gladiator with superior gear, the skill triggers when Fenrich has lost 2/3 of his endurance without doing anything worth noting before that and still manages to drain 1122 quite noticeably for the remaining few rounds. I'm all for anti-tank skills and builds but this one is obviously over the top.

  5. #25
    Legendary Master Prinny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kreegan View Post
    Blood Bath seems to have damage range (say 250-500 base bleeding for level 10 or something like that)
    Actually the skill at rank 10 started out as a 100-160 bleed one, I have simply been skilling for it increasing the damage of blood bath on purpose. The high bleeds from it are the result of that and im still trying to figure that skill out properly

  6. #26
    If you let us scout Fenrich we can help figure that out for you

  7. #27
    Legendary Master Prinny's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lunarion199 View Post
    If you let us scout Fenrich we can help figure that out for you
    Nice try

  8. #28
    Legendary Master Prinny's Avatar
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    Couldn't pass up on this one to try out the other skills, most expensive slave i've seen so far~!

  9. #29
    Stable Servant Flash's Avatar
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    Jun 2013
    Damn this slave will become a real beast

  10. #30
    Wow such a slave should ideally come for sale in sorta common slave market so that even the other players may get a chance to grab him... Feeling jelly!

    Hey Nate, can you implement auction house in this game?
    No, really...possible??
    Last edited by Lunarion199; 07-30-2015 at 11:48 PM.

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