Prinny/Dain, what fighting styles are available to a Slayer?
Prinny/Dain, what fighting styles are available to a Slayer?
Can you hybridise them with the Shadow speciality?
Juggernout sounds cool. I wonder if lvl10 of it allows the same as armoured movement for wars or it grants you no further drawbacks then the standard free war heavy armour proficiency (so is lvl1 the same as wars basic armor use or is it like armoured movement).
I have returned once more and it seems I'm here to stay.
Ogornomus - master of Iron Aegis
Active Gladiators: Shiroyama, Iron Daimyo, Rom Ironhide, Ludex Grunreer, Decapitare
Retired: Sigwald, Haraxur Dervish, Davlan, Black Degron, Facles Secutor, Quickshank, Sindrel Myr, FacelessSecutor, Iron Enforcer, Blackiron Guard, Lionel Oldblood, Elaar Venguard, AceOfBlades, Crueligan, Cyrus Lupercal
I don't see why you wouldn't be able to make a hybrid
Just had my first experience vs prinny's lvl 51 slayer in a fight against Dirt Bath.
A 256 blood bath puts 468 bleed on me at the start of round 2 and i barely win the fight.
Cant wait to see what that would have been if he was lvl 55 with 55 gear.
Sweet balance....
Avengelyn, Manager of Lethal Formula
Yeah, Blood Bath is ridiculous. 400 bleeding with a single hit... Most Theatrics fighters can't score that much even after 20 rounds of cutting the opponent.
Just as ridiculous as rampage casually hitting for 1500 damage, never say die granting you over 1k health, spectral touch sapping your endurance by shitloads and hamstring cutting your amount of attacks down by 50% to even none at all during affected rounds. All glads have ridiculous skills, especially when you distribute your attributes to match them
We'll have to wait and see. Blood Bath seems to trigger every 3 rounds which means gallons of bleeding in no time, I won't be surprised if this thing needs to be balanced in the near future.
Never Say Die shouldn't even be in that list by the way, I have gladiators which haven't seen it trigger for several fights...
While not at the level of the other skills mentioned I see Never say die trigger more often in battles than not, both on my own gladiators as on my opponents. Having said that it was merely an example
Blood bath can trigger again after 3-4 rounds since it's first use. I have also seen it often not triggering for the first 4-5 rounds at all as that is the nature of the huge amount of activated attacks slayers have.
Last edited by Prinny; 07-28-2015 at 09:56 AM.