I am wondering. No one purchased the new class? I am curious and would like to know if anyone got experience with the Slayer type?![]()
I am wondering. No one purchased the new class? I am curious and would like to know if anyone got experience with the Slayer type?![]()
I have and I love him, I am fairly certain I ran into some of your glads at some point![]()
I'm waiting for a decent recruit...
But here is a scouting report:
Slayer Style
Weapons: B, A&M, 2H, P, E
Weak Spot (Activated) – Int, Agi, Chi
Studying the weaknesses of armour gives your gladiator the knowledge of where to best attack for maximum damage.
Sweep (Activated) – Str, Agi, Chi
A fast and stealthy move that sends your gladiator's opponent into the dirt.
Mystic Markings (Passive) – Int, Pres, Chi
The strange and mysterious markings that cover many Slayer gladiators are rumored to enhance their ability to inflict critical wounds.
First Strike (Passive) – Int, Agi, Pres
Lighting speed and careful study increases the chances your gladiator will deliver the first hit in each round.
Weapons Master (Passive) – Str, Int, Agi
All available weapon skills are considered to be the same level as Weapons Master. Weapon skills will never be lower than their current skill level and never higher then the highest weapon skill your gladiator has achieved.
Armour Movement (Passive) – Str, Agi, Size
Knowing how to move and fight in Light or Medium Armour reduces the penalty to your gladiator's Initiative for wearing it and also teaches them how to actively use it defensively to deflect and absorb incoming attacks.
Blood Bath (Activated) – Str, Agi, Chi
When the Great Realm first encountered the Slayers from the Eastern Empire they were not prepared for the crippling wounds they were able to inflict. Unimaginable gashes that wouldn't stop squirting blood left the battlefield looking like a slaughterhouse floor.
Vital Strike (Activated) – Int, Agi, Chi
Countless hours of practice and precision rewards your gladiator with the ability to strike just the right spots and severely debilitate their opponent. Depending on where the strike lands will determine what attribute is adversely affected.
Intense Focus (Activated) – Str, Int, Sta
Extreme self discipline and concentration enables your gladiator to focus their inner strength and channel it into outward power transforming them into a force of destruction.
Eviscerate (Activated) – Int, Agi, Chi
Knowledge of anatomy and understanding exactly where to hit for maximum destruction rewards the crowd with carnage and screams that make even the toughest veterans cringe.
Disarm (Activated) – Str, Agi, Chi
Fighting without a weapon in the arena is almost certain death. Teach your gladiator how to disarm their opponent and enjoy the show.
Flurry of Steel (Activated) – Agi, Sta, Chi
As a master of the Slayer specialty, your gladiator has learned how to unleash a merciless burst of attacks in such rapid succession that by the time even the best gladiators think about using defensive skills it'll be too late.
Juggernaut (Passive) – Str, Sta, Size
As a master of the Slayer specialty, your gladiator has learned how to bend the rules of its specialty and spent countless hours practicing fighting in heavy armour. Slower than their brothers and sisters but able to withstand a lot more punishment.
Adoede | Tevrosin
I've got one and they're awesome. Lots of options and very fun to manage.
Stable: Pirate Booty
Current Gladiators: Thunder Lips, Zippy Wunderbar
Freed Gladiators: Chuck Norris
I was wondering when we'd see some posts!
I gotta say that Prinny's Fenrich is a beast - he's stacking over 500 bleed. I wonder if he'll get to Primus with the less than 100 loss record!
Thanks for the scouting report Adoede - I haven't bought a trainer yet, so it's nice to see. This class looks good. Hopefully not all of them will be like Prinny's, lol.
Stable: Stormcloak
Current Glads: Lachdanan (human war), Ecthelion (human war), Kedro (rage elaar), Acheros (war elaar), Tsiroth (war elaar)
HOL Retirees: Rauthreygo (human war), Farkas (rage elaar), Vilkus (theatrics elaar), Thalvric (war elaar), Gamling (war dunder), Kresjack (theatrics elaar), Percivus (war spite), Agravaine (war elaar)
Haha Fenrich's record bleed in 1 attack is 212 (god I love blood bath) with his current record hit being 1752 on an injury. Currently waiting to see if another glad pops up to take another slayer to fiddle with the other skills i haven't picked to see if I want to adjust some stuff![]()
Sounds very interesting but the early access price is prohibitive. Will try him as soon as the trainer drops below 5k trophies.
where did you get all those oranges? he is real beast, yea.
You can get legendary equipment (orange) from running the Gauntlet, Conquests, Black Market pit fights (Rank #1 potential reward), Street Games, Winning the blood games and by purchasing them with BGP and/or trophies when your gladiator is in the blood gods bracket.
In Fenrich's case he obtained them from gauntlet runs