My vote is for both.

Because at the moment, both are equally effective and equally handicapped. Both will do fine against just about every other build...except true tanks. In that scenario, no one has yet figured out how to give them enough offensive firepower to overcome the tanks defense. That said, since blood gods is a game of style match-ups, it is entirely possible to win with an offensive hybrid war if you get lucky with your match-ups down the stretch and manage to avoid the tanks. This last season, there were three or four builds that were well represented at the top - True tanks, 2H Ragers, Hybrid Wars, and a few highly skilled Theatrics. The tanks beat just about everyone but the Ragers. The Ragers were great against tanks...not so great against the Hybrid wars and Theatrics. The hybrid wars handily beat all comers...except the tanks. And the Theatrics often beat the Ragers but had some trouble with everyone else...with an occasional win over a tank here and there.

My point is that every build can be effective - especially against styles it has natural advantages against. But the way to win in blood gods is to play the percentages and hope for good match-ups. There is no unbeatable build as of yet. And with endurance draining shadows on the way, tanks may lose a bit more of their luster in the future. Even with the current meta-game, 2H Rage seems to be the build to beat for the foreseeable future. I guess Hybrid war would be a good way to challenge that hegemony.